Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Cop and a Half Episode 29 - The Halls of Seduction

The first thing that struck Lem as they crossed through the portal was the heat.  It was oppressive.  Stifling.  Especially considering that they had been on an icy mountaintop only moments before.  He coughed and knelt for a moment, trying to take in his new surroundings.

Male Halfling Bard Charlatan
Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing, Armor, Item
Skill Feats: Charisma +4, Intelligence +1
Power Feats: 
Light Armor proficiency 
Once per check, recharge a card to card to add 1D4+2 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or defeat a henchman
Starting Deck
Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2
Wand of Enervation
Sihedron Medallion
Staff of Heaven and Earth
Incendiary Cloud
Holy Light
Frost Ray
Lightning Bolt
Mass Cure
Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
BoPharasma x2

Valeros, on the other hand, was hardly fazed by the transition to this new environment.  He held his falchion in one hand and longsword in the other, ready for whatever horrors might await them.  His grip on his weapons tightened involuntarily as he gazed around him.  They appeared to be inside an immaculate stone structure gilded with gold, silks, and other similarly opulent trappings.

Male Human Fighter Weapon Master
Card Feats: Weapon x2, Item, Blessing, Ally
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1
Power Feats: 
Hand Size 5
Add 1d4+3 to another character’s combat check at your location
You may use Melee in place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait
Starting Deck
Fanged Falchion
Dancing Scimitar+2
Impaler of Thorns
Longsword +2
Returning Throwing Axe +1
Mokmurian’s Club
Magic Chain Mail
Magic Shield
Magic Half-Plate
Holy Candle
Emerald Codex
Staff of Minor Healing
Grizzled Mercenary
Charmed Red Dragon

"Welcome, my darlings.  I'm so glad you could join me." a voice purred from the other end of the room.  In the flickering torchlight from the sconces that lined the walls, Lem could see the outline of an incredibly attractive humanoid woman.  The only oddities were a pair of horns sprouting from her head, and batlike wings that adorned her back.

A succubus; a foul demon that Lem had read about in several ancient texts.  He wasted no time in blasting the figure with a ray of frost.  It had been a while since Lem had been with a woman, but not that long.  The woman lithely dodged the blast and fled the room with a high-pitched giggle.

Turn 1
Lem - BoG
Levitate - Banish forever
Discard Boirori explore - Mistress Delvahine - Divine check 12 or no spells can be played = BoErastil = 2D10+5 = 14 = Success
Wisdom 12 check = fail = damage random character = attack spells + weapons in hand = Valeros = 1 damage = recharge magic shield to prevent
Frost Ray + BoPharasma + Valeros = D10+5+2D10+D4+3 = 32 = Success
Recharge Frost Ray = Success
Location Closed

Lem and Valeros followed after her, down a narrow hallway lined with cages.  Valeros couldn't begin to guess the purpose of those cages, nor did he care.  He had his quarry in his sights, and every step was a step closer to ending this once and for all.

Turn 2
Valeros - BoG
Iron Cages of Lust
BoIomedae - Charisma = D6 = 2 = fail
Discard BoTorag explore - Spyglass - Wisdom = D4 = 1 = Fail

from the opposite entryway, a corpse clad in the wrappings of a mummy shuffled towards them.  Lem didn't even break stride as he blasted it to ash with lightning.  This succubus was going to have to try a lot harder than that to stop them.

Turn 3
Lem - BoGorum
Iron Cages of Lust
Mummy - Lightning Bolt + Valeros = D10+5 + 3D6 + D4+3 = 30 = Success
Recharge Lightning Bolt = Success
Discard BoPharasma explore - Burglar - Banish forever - discard item per location effect

Valeros had caught up to the succubus, and swung his massive club; intending to crush her skull in one blow.  Instead, the stone wall fragmented in all directions.  This demon was agile, he gave her that much.  The fact that she continued to run told him that she knew she was no match for them, though.  Where was she leading them?  Valeros sprinted after her as she skipped into the next room.

Turn 4
Valeros - BoAbadar
Mistress Delvahine - Fail Arcane/Divine check - Fail Wisdom Check - random damage - Valeros - 3 damage from weapons in hand
Mokmurian’s Club + discard a card from hand + Lem recharge = D10+7 + D210+2 + D4+2 = 28 = Success = recharge random card
Location closed

As Lem hurried after his friend, he spotted movement in one of the nearby cages.  A low growl escaped the bars as Lem leaned closer to inspect it.  It was a tiger, a saber toothed one to be precise.  It was beautiful, almost regal despite being trapped behind bars.

"If I let you out, will you help us?  We intend to destroy this place." Lem said as he reached a hand towards the bars.  The tiger responded with what almost appeared to be a nod.  Whether it understood him or not, the growling had stopped.  What the hell, Lem thought.  What's the worst thing that could happen?  He opened the cage and the tiger stretched before lowering it's massive frame before Lem.

" you want me to get on?"  Lem asked cautiously.  The tiger only gave a curt growl in response.  Lem carefully climbed atop the massive beast, and then found himself holding on for dear life as it sprang down the hallway after Valeros and the demon.  Well, this was an interesting turn of events, Lem thought.

Turn 5
Lem - BoG
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 3
Valeros - 2
Recharge Mass Cure = Fail
Shimmering Veils of Pride
Saber-Toothed Tiger - Wisdom + BoPharasma + Valeros BoCalistria = 3D6 = 12 = Success
End turn per Scenario effect

Valeros skidded to a halt in what appeared to be a hub room of sorts.  Several hallways branched out from this place, and he wasn't sure which one the demon had gone down.  Fortunately, he didn't need to worry about that at the moment.  Another demon sat on a throne padded in velvet and lined in gold.

"Very well, if Delvahine will not simply end you, I suppose I shall." the demon spoke as she rose from the throne, completely bare but no less dangerous.

Valeros held his club as a batter might and gestured to the demon, "Come then, witch.  See if you can do what your mistress could not."

Instead of attacking, she simply strode towards him in an unsettlingly alluring way.  Valeros felt the tugging in the back of his mind.  He knew what this demon was trying to do, toying with his mind.  He had seen too many shopkeeper's daughters in his day to fall for that.  He swung with all of his might, and did not even glance at the broken body as it flew lifeless against the wall.

Turn 6
Valeros - BoCalistria
Throne Room
Alu-Demon Sister - Fail Arcane/Divine check - Mokmurian’s Club + Discard a card = D10+7+D10+2+D10 = 25 = Success
Diplomacy check to close Location - D6+2 = 3 = Fail

Lem was finally nearing the room that Valeros was in when his eye caught something glimmer in the torchlight.  "Whoah there," he called out, gently pulling on the tiger's mane "Might be something useful here."

Turn 7
Lem - BoG
Wand of Treasure Finding - Wisdom + Valeros BoGorum = 2D6 = 7 = Success
Bury Wand of Treasure Finding - Find a Bastard Sword+1 - No sign of Henchman or Villain

Valeros saw his companion down the hall he had entered from, and returned to him.  "What...where did you get that?" Valeros gestured to the massive cat that slinked around him, sniffing his approval at Valeros' bloodied club.

"Not important, check this out." Lem called to him.

Valeros saw there a sword, as large as he was.  Unfortunately, it was still attached to a corpse.  Well, that would be easy enough to remedy.  He batted the corpse away with his club and pulled free the sword.  It was surprisingly light for a blade so large.  Yes, he would have to make room for this.

Turn 8
Valeros - BoIomedae
Shimmering Veils of Pride
Bastard Sword+1 - Melee = D10+7 = 16 = Success
Discard BoGorum explore - Plague Zombie - Mokmurian’s Club + Lem recharge = D10+7+D10+2+D4+2 = auto-success = banished forever = recharge random card from discard

The corpse he had sent flying down the hall was not alone, however.  Valeros had disturbed a whole horde of zombies from their rest.  He glanced to Lem, who rolled his eyes at the warrior.  Valeros just shrugged.  Moments later, the hallway was clear once more.  Valeros cleaned his new blade, and the cat cleaned it's claws before moving onward.

Turn 9
Lem - BoGozreh
Zombie Horde - both fight a zombie henchman
Lem - Frost Ray + Valeros = D10+5 + D4+3 = auto-kill
Valeros = for real do I need to list it out at this point?  = auto-kill = recharge random card from discard
Zombie Horde banished forever
Recharge Frost Ray = Success

"You are both very rude guests, do you know that?" the now-familiar voice purred from the end of the hall.  "Come now, how will you make it up to me?"

Valeros winked subtly at his partner and began to walk casually towards the demoness.  "Yes, that's right.  Come to me my lovely." she called to him.

As he neared, hands outstretched towards her, she smiled a toothy grin at Valeros.  Just as he reached her, he smiled a grin of his own and swung with his bare fist like lightning.  Some of her teeth were sent flying as Lem let out an audible "Ooohhhhh" from the end of the hall.  That had to hurt.  She screamed in pain and rage, and fled away from the pair once again.

Turn 10
Valeros - BoGozreh
Mistress Delvahine - Fail Arcane/Divine check - random damage equal to attack spells and weapons - 5 damage lol - Strength + Lem Recharge + Lem BoAbadar + Wand of Enervation = D10+7+D4+2+D10 = 21
Wand = -6 to difficulty = 19 = really surprising success
Recharge wand = Success
Location Closed

Lem followed her to the throne room and saw her there, spitting out a few more of her razor-sharp teeth that Valeros had knocked loose.  The tiger stalked towards her, fur-raised and growling.

Turn 11
Lem - BoNorgorber
Throne Room

Valeros arrived moments later.  He hoped that the succubus would not flee down one of the many hallways that lined the room.  Perhaps his punch had knocked some of the sense out of her.

Turn 12
Valeros - BoNorgorber
Throne Room
Half-Plate - Banished Forever
Discard BoAbadar Explore - Longsword - Banished Forever

"Come now, little one, you do not wish to harm me, do you?" she whispered to Lem through bloodied gums.  "We could have so much fun together."

Lem hesitated, then stopped altogether.  Why would he want to harm her?  They could have a really good time here.  There was no need to fight.

Turn 13
Lem - BoNorgorber (yes, again)
Mistress Delvahine (#%!@) - Divine + BoGozreh = 2D10+5 = 13 = Success = can play spells
Random Damage = Lem = 1 damage 
Save myself some time and just bury a blessing and end my turn

Valeros rolled his eyes.  Sometimes, this halfling could be such an amateur.  Valeros strode past his frozen ally and planted a spear into the demon without effort.

"You really need to work on your mental defenses, pal." he said as he yanked the spear free.  "You're going to get us both into trouble one day if you don't."

Turn 14
Valeros - BoIomedae
Mistress Delvahine (I shuffled, promise) - Fail arcane/divine check, random damage = Lem 2 damage
Impaler of Thorns + Lem recharge + Staff of Heaven and Earth = D10+7+D8+2+D4+2+D4 = 31 = Success

Lem shook off the effects of the succubus' words.  Well, that was embarassing, he thought.  What now?  What else might they find in this ancient and terrible place?

Scenario Victory!
Reward - Power Feat
Lem - recharge a card to add 1D4+3 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Valeros - 1D4+4 to a combat check performed by another character at your location

Post-Game Analysis

What's this?  Another session only a day after the last?  Yep, I decided that for these last 9 or so episodes, I wanted to put out one a day.  We're so close to the end, I can't wait another 2 months to publish all of them all.  So, expect to see a lot more Cop and a Half for the next week and a half.

This scenario was fun, and fairly short compared to the ones surrounding it.  Being able to pick up the tiger was cool, and another magic weapon for Val is always welcome.  Not really sure what I was doing on turn 13 spending a blessing to be able to cast spells, then not having any spells to play, but ah well.  It worked out in the end.  See you all tomorrow with another installment!

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