Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Cop and a Half Episode 35 - Rise of the Runelord

The halls of the palace were dimly lit, at best.  Once his eyes adjusted, though, Lem was taken aback by what he saw.  Though clearly ancient and unused for years uncounted, this palace was every bit as magnificent as the golden exterior would suggest.  He gaped at the riches that littered every corner of this place.

Male Halfling Bard Charlatan
Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing, Armor, Item
Skill Feats: Charisma +4, Intelligence +1
Power Feats: 
Light Armor proficiency 
Once per check, recharge a card to card to add 1D4+3 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or defeat a henchman or villain
Starting Deck
Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2
Wand of Enervation
Sihedron Medallion
Staff of Hungry Shadows
Ring of Protection
Incendiary Cloud
Holy Light
Frost Ray
Lightning Bolt
Mass Cure
Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
Black Arrow Ranger
Charmed Red Dragon

Valeros saw no point in gawking at the litter of ages past.  He was here for one reason: to end the threat Karzoug represented.  This runelord had done enough damage already, and he had only recently been returned to this world.  He couldn't begin to imagine what Karzoug might be capable of at full strength.

Male Human Fighter Weapon Master
 Card Feats: Weapon x2, Item, Blessing, Ally
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1
Power Feats: 
Hand Size 5
Add 1d4+5 to another character’s combat check at your location
You may use Melee in place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait
Starting Deck
Fanged Falchion
Dancing Scimitar+2
Impaler of Thorns
Longsword +2
Returning Frost Spear +2
Mokmurian’s Club
Magic Chain Mail
Magic Shield
Magic Half-Plate
Wand of Treasure Finding
Emerald Codex
Staff of Minor Healing
Thieves Tools
Saber Toothed Tiger
BoAbadar x2

Neither had much time to muse, however.  The clattering of bones approaching them was unmistakable.  The pair waded through the misshapen mass of reanimated bones that washed over them.  They had no reason to fear, skeletons were as nothing to them at this point.

Turn 1
Lem - BoSarenrae
Thassilonian Dungeon
Skeleton Horde - Everyone gets an ancient skeleton to fight
Lem - Bewilder - evaded - hmm do I explore again?  Probably not - draw a card
Valeros - Fanged Falchion - D10+7+2D4+2 = auto-kill
Bewilder recharge - Impossiburu
Skeleton Horde Banished Forever

Valeros did spy a shortspear amidst the undead that looked usable, however, and snatched it from it's host...along with the host's arm.  Valeros gave a grim smile as he tossed the bones aside.

Turn 2
Valeros - BoGorum
Thassilonian Dungeon
Shortspear +3 - Melee + Lem recharge = D10+7+D4+3 = 18 = Success
Discard merchant explore - Reflecting Shield - Consitution + Lem recharge = D8+2+D4+3 = auto-acquire
Discard Tiger explore - Haste - naaaaah
Discard Zuvuzeg explore - Cultist - how are these still in the deck!? - so incredibly dead - banished forever

Lem also discovered some arcane parchment in the debris.  Given time to properly explore this place, who knows what incredible treasure might await them?

Turn 3
Lem - BoPharasma
Magic Spyglass - Divine - D10+5 = 12 = Success
Discard magic spyglass - Sneak, disintegrate, enfeeble - sneak on bottom, rest on top
Discard BoPharasma explore - Disintegrate - Arcane + BoCalistria = D10+5+D10 = 14 - YES
Discard Black Arrow Ranger explore - Enfeeble - Arcane - auto-acquire 

Skeletons were not the only foes waiting for them in this place.  Cultists devoted to the runelords, and other humanoid scum also lie in wait for the pair.  Valeros made them regret their decision to defend Karzoug.

Turn 4
Valeros - BoErastil
Sneak - Fanged Falchion - D10+7+2D4+2 = 17 = Success

Even what appeared to be Karzoug's elite guard stood no chance against them.  A heavily armored woman disintegrated before Lem's eyes as he mouthed the incantation he had found earlier.  Well...that was gruesome, but this spell could certainly prove useful, he thought.

Turn 5
Lem - BoSarenrae
Viorian Dekanti - DISINTEGRATE + Valeros - D10+5+4D6+D4+5+2+2D4 = 41 = Success = draw a card
Recharge Disintegrate - nossir
Arcane check to close - D10+5 = 8 = Success
Location closed

They reached what appeared to be a throne room, where another horde of reanimated skeletons barred their approach.  Valeros didn't bat an eyelash as he danced through the undead until none were left standing.  Karzoug would need to try harder than this to stop them.

Turn 6
Valeros - BoSarenrae
Throne Room
Skeleton Horde - c’mon man, well at least it’s just Valeros this time - it’s dead - banished forever
Discard BoTorag explore - Diseased Rats - Fanged Falchion - auto-dead - banished forever

Lem took a moment to scour the throne room for clues as to where the master of this palace might be.  If Karzoug was not on the throne, he might be anywhere in this labyrinth.  If Lem knew Valeros at all, he knew that the longer it took to find this runelord, the more pissed off Valeros would become.  He didn't envy Karzoug if he chose to hide from them.

Turn 7
Lem - BoErastil
Throne Room
Scout - D4-1 ranged damage - 0 - Frost Ray - D10+5+2D6 = 22 = Success
Recharge Frost Ray - Success
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 2
Valeros - 5

Turn 8
Valeros - BoG
Shortspear +3 - Melee - D10+7 = 11 = fail

As they moved to leave the throne room, a figure clad in ornate robes stepped from the shadows.

"I am afraid I cannot permit you to go further." he spoke softly as extended an outstretched hand towards them.  a blast of force and flame leapt from his fingertips.  Valeros raised his shield, and Lem sprang to one side, but they were still knocked backward from the force of impact.

"Our turn." Lem muttered through clenched teeth.  He unleashed lightning upon the robed man while Valeros took out his frustrations with his newfound spear.

With the threat ended, the pair pressed on.

Turn 9
Lem - BoDesna
Khalib - 2 force damage toooooo….Valeros - D4 fire damage to both
Lem - 2
Valeros - 4 - reduced by 2 from reflecting shield
Lightning Bolt + Valeros - D10+5+3D6+D4+5+2D4 = 33 = Success
Diplomacy check to close - D10+7 = Auto-success
Location closed

They pressed onwards and came upon what Lem recognized as a runewell.  Perhaps they would find Karzoug absorbed in his magics.  At any rate, the well presented a fine opportunity for Lem to heal their wounds with a quick prayer.

Turn 10
Valeros - BoNethys
Cloak of Elvenkind - Dex = D8 = 2 = Fail

Turn 11
Lem - BoG
Exchange Frost Ray for Mass Cure in the discard
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 2
Valeros - 4
Recharge Mass Cure = Fail
Blizzard - Arcane + BoNethys - D10+5+D10 = 18 = Success
Discard Magic Spyglass - BoG, Magic Full Plate, Warden of Runes

While Lem was mouthing his incantations, he was interrupted by the thundering approach of another giant.  This one, covered in runes, was clearly the warden of this well.  Fortunately for them, they had had plenty of practice against his kin.  Valeros cleared a path for them with his trusty scythe, and they carried on their way.

Turn 12
Valeros - BoG
Bury a card
BoG - auto-acquire
Emerald Codex - Speed, Raise Dead, Detect Magic
Discard BoG explore - Magic Full Plate - Constitution + Lem recharge - D8+2+D4+3 = auto-acquire
Discard tiger explore - Warden of Runes - 1 electricity damage to both - 
Lem - Sihedron medallion
Valeros - eats it
Recharge medallion - Success
Reveal and recharge Magic Scythe +1 + Lem recharge = D10+7+3D4+1+D4+3 = 29 = Success
Location Closed

In the next room, they were speechless at the sight of a massive machine.  Cables led to a metal framework that housed a circular portal large enough to move an elephant through.  Guarding this device was a lamia with the lower body of a four-legged beast and the upper body of a woman.  She scowled at them as they entered.

"So, the master was right.  You have come at last.  Know that I will do everything in my power to stop you from entering this portal.

"You will try." Lem said as he pointed his wand in her direction.  Energies shot forth from it, wrapping around her form with spectral tendrils.  She weakened visibly as they took hold.  Valeros did not waste this opportunity to strike, charging her with his falchion.  He buried the blade in her lower body before deftly switching to a spear, which he threw directly into her skull.  It was an unexpectedly easy battle.

Turn 13
Lem - BoCalistria
Valeros Staff of Minor Healing - Lem 
The Leng Device 
Most High Ceoptra - Enfeeble
Recharge Enfeeble = Success
D4 tokens removed - 4

Turn 14
Valeros - BoAbadar 
Most High Ceoptra - Attack spells no-go - Reveal and recharge Fanged Falchion + BoG + Lem Recharge = D10+7+4D4+2+D10+D4+3 = 27
Wand of Enervation - -8 to check
2nd check - Reveal and recharge Returning Frost Spear +2 + Lem recharge + BoAbadar + Lem BoGozreh = D10+7+D8+2+2D6+D4+3+D10+D10 = 38 = Success

Scenario Victory!
Reward - Chellan, sword of greed, Maester Grump, Wand of Scorching Ray, Greatclub+3, Brodert Quink, Force Sling +3, Magic Shield, Toxic Cloud, Potion of Healing, Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2

They stood in front of the portal, and Lem would lie if he said he didn't dread what awaited them on the other side.  A being so powerful that he was essentially a god.  Immortal, and powerful enough to command aberrations from all manner of planes of existence.  A being that had built one of the most powerful empires the world had ever known.  Now, it was up to the two of them to end his evil once and for all.

Male Halfling Bard Charlatan
Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing, Armor, Item
Skill Feats: Charisma +4, Intelligence +1
Power Feats: 
Light Armor proficiency 
Once per check, recharge a card to card to add 1D4+3 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or defeat a henchman or villain
Starting Deck
Force Sling +3
Wand of Enervation
Sihedron Medallion
Staff of Hungry Shadows
Ring of Protection
Holy Light
Lightning Bolt
Mass Cure
Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
Black Arrow Ranger
Charmed Red Dragon

Even Valeros was shaken by the fact that they had reached the end of their long journey.  He took a quick inventory of his weapons, ensuring that each was ready to be deployed at a moments notice.  There was no telling what awaited them on the other side of that portal.  He needed to be ready for anything.

Male Human Fighter Weapon Master
Card Feats: Weapon x2, Item, Blessing, Ally
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1
Power Feats: 
Hand Size 5
Add 1d4+5 to another character’s combat check at your location
You may use Melee in place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait
Starting Deck
Fanged Falchion
Dancing Scimitar+2
Impaler of Thorns
Shortspear +3
Greatclub +3
Returning Frost Spear +2
Mokmurian’s Club
Magic Full Plate
Reflecting Shield
Magic Half-Plate
Magic Spyglass
Emerald Codex
Staff of Minor Healing
Thieves Tools
Saber Toothed Tiger
BoAbadar x2

Lem looked to his friend and nodded.  They entered together.  Instantaneously, they were somewhere far from the palace on the mountain peak.  Somewhere far more dangerous.  A runewell stood in the center of a large circular chamber. Standing behind the well was Karzoug himself, and he was surrounded by all manner of his servants.

A giant covered in runes bounded towards them immediately, and was disintegrated on the spot by a gesture from Lem's hand.

Karzoug clapped slowly.  "Impressive, small one.  In time, you might have been a powerful magic user in your own right.  Instead, you will die here for nothing."

Turn 1
Bury a card
Warden of Runes - 1 electricity damage to both - lem ring of prot - Disintegrate + Valeros = D10+5+4D6+D4+5 = 33 = Success
Recharge Disintegrate - nope
Discard Toad explore - Consecration - Divine - D10+5 = 9 = Success
Discard BoNethys explore - Bastard Sword +1 = fail

Karzoug raised a finger and unleashed a torrent of flame upon the pair.  There was no way to dodge the column of flame, and both man and halfling cried out in pain as it washed over them.

Turn 2
Bury a card
Emerald Codex - Swipe, Restoration, Aid - pretty good stuff!
Karzoug - D4+1 fire damage to both
Lem - 3 - ring of prot - 2
Valeros - 4
Fail and take all the damage, Valeros was out of cards anyway

Before they could recover, a blue dragon moved forward to attack, unleashing a blast of electricity from it's massive jaws.  Lem was able to gather his wits enough to throw lightning of his own back at the creature, and it was just enough.  The dragon fell smoldering to the ground.  They were still in trouble though, for Karzoug did not look as though he would relent.

Turn 3
Bury a card
Enslaved Blue Dragon - D4+1 electricity damage to both
Lem - 2 - reduced to 1 by ring of prot
Valeros - 4 - reduced by 2 thanks to reflecting shield
Lightning Bolt + Valeros = D10+5+3D6+D4+5+2 = 25 = Success
Recharge lightning bolt = nope

Lem tried to cure them as he circled around for a better vantage point on Karzoug.  It wasn't much, but hopefully enough to allow them to finish this fight.

Turn 4
Bury a card
Discard Magic Spyglass - Chime of unlocking, Frost Ray, Karzoug
Chime of unlocking- fail

Turn 5
Bury a card
Valeros restoration Lem 
Lem Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 2
Valeros - 2
Recharge Mass Cure - Success
Frost Ray = auto-acquire

Another wave of flame came without warning, and they could do nothing but endure as it consumed everything it touched.

Turn 6
Bury a card
Karoug - D4+1 damage to both
Lem - 3 - reduced to 2
Valeros - 3

The flames would not stop.  The pain, unending and overwhelming, was all they could think about.  This was it.  This moment would determine whether they would fail the world, or save it.  Lem could not see Valeros, or vice-versa, but he knew that they both realized that this was the end.  Lem forced himself upright, and reached blindly for his sling.  He strained to recall where Karzoug stood, imagining through the pain where runelord was in relation to his own position.  Body aflame, and blinded by both pain and fire, he whirled his sling and sent a stone flying in the direction of the runelord.  He collapsed to the ground immediately afterward.

Valeros gritted his teeth and held his club tightly in both hands.  He took tentative steps forward, straining against the pain with each movement.  He could feel his flesh blistering and peeling under the onslaught of flame.  It was now or never.  A loud cracking sound, and a grunt of pain ahead prefaced the end of the torrent of flame.  Though still blinded, he knew this was his chance.  He ran forward with all the strength he could muster, club held high overhead.

He smashed into a body at full force, knocking it and himself to the ground.  With every remaining ounce of strength he smashed his club into the form beneath him.  It was enough.  It had to be enough.  His thoughts faded to darkness as he collapsed on the stone floor.

Turn 7
Bury a card
Karzoug - shit - D4+1 damage to both
Lem - 3 - reduced to 2
Valeros - 2 - Bury Magic Half-Plate
Actually going to fight this time
Lem - discard Force Sling +3 + BoErastil + Valeros = D8+D6+3+2D8+D4+5+2D4+2 = 37 = Success
2nd check - Valeros - Mokmurian’s club + discard a card + BoGorum = D10+7+D10+2+D10+2D10+2D4 = 44 = Success
1 fire damage to Valeros

Turn 8
Bury a card
BoGorum - strength = Success
Discard BoGorum explore - Magic Full PLate - Consitution - D8+2 = 4 = Fail
Valeros dies

Turn 9
Bury a card
Karzoug - D4+1 damage - 5 - 4 thanks to ring of prot
Every damage ever
Lem dies

Post-Game Analysis

Well, that was intense.  First off, I want to thank everyone who read or supported the series in any way.  This is definitely one of the longest-running things I have ever done, and I don't regret it at all.  I don't know right now whether I'll do a campaign like this for Skull & Shackles or Wrath of the Righteous, but I had a great time with this.

I decided to lump the two last scenarios together because they were both fairly brief.  I knew what I was in for going into the final scenario.  Did the pair win?  According to the rules, no, they did not.  However, in my mind they definitely won.  Even if they died, they still defeated Karzoug.

I really hope you enjoyed this, and all the past episodes.  Keep playing, and I'll see you again with whatever crazy creative writing project I decide upon next.

P.S. Before anyone even says it, I don't know why I used Bewilder on some skeletons on the first turn of this one.  I know I can't.  I wonder what I was thinking, but it's been too long since I played for me to recall why I did that.

Cop and a Half Episode 34 - The Final Climb

There was no time to rest before scaling the massive cliffs and frozen outcroppings that rose to meet the palace atop the mountain peak.  Lem took a moment to secure his gear as much as possible, and steeled himself for the long climb ahead.

Male Halfling Bard Charlatan
Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing, Armor, Item
Skill Feats: Charisma +4, Intelligence +1
Power Feats: 
Light Armor proficiency 
Once per check, recharge a card to card to add 1D4+3 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or defeat a henchman or villain
Starting Deck
Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2
Wand of Enervation
Sihedron Medallion
Staff of Hungry Shadows
Ring of Protection
Incendiary Cloud
Holy Light
Frost Ray
Lightning Bolt
Mass Cure
Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
Father Zantus
Charmed Red Dragon

Valeros did the same, checking each of his weapons in turn to ensure that he would not lose any as they climbed.  Though the distance to the peak was daunting, they had come too far to consider failure at this point.  It was do or die.

Male Human Fighter Weapon Master
 Card Feats: Weapon x2, Item, Blessing, Ally
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1
Power Feats: 
Hand Size 5
Add 1d4+5 to another character’s combat check at your location
You may use Melee in place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait
Starting Deck
Fanged Falchion
Dancing Scimitar+2
Impaler of Thorns
Longsword +2
Returning Frost Spear +2
Mokmurian’s Club
Magic Chain Mail
Magic Shield
Magic Half-Plate
Wand of Treasure Finding
Emerald Codex
Staff of Minor Healing
Thieves Tools
Saber Toothed Tiger
BoAbadar x2

Nearly as soon as they had begun their climb up the often-times sheer rock face, crossbow bolts began to fly in their direction.  It made sense that Karzoug would have scouts patrolling, especially since he knew the pair were approaching his lair.  Fortunately, Lem was able to maneuver his crossbow into a firing position, and end the immediate threat with a well-placed bolt of his own.

Turn 1
Lem - BoDesna
Death Zone 1
Goblin Commando - 1 ranged combat damage - Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2 + Valeros = D8+D10+2+D4+5 = 13 = Success = Banished forever

Valeros was similarly able to ward off more of Karzoug's henchmen with precision thrusts of his spear as they descended upon him.  If the enemy insisted on this continuous assault, at least time would pass quickly as they climbed.

Turn 2
Valeros - BoG
Death Zone 1
Cultist - Impaler of Thorns - D10+7+D8+2 = auto-success even if I rolled all 1’s = Banished forever
Emerald Codex - Augury, Consecration, Detect Evil
Detect Evil - BoG
Discard BoAbadar explore - BoG - auto-acquire
Discard BoG explore - Mercenary - Impaler of Thorns = D10+7+D8+2 = 23 = Success
Augury - Henchman - Black Arrow Ranger, Pit Trap, Warlord - all shuffled

Lem, as nimble as he was, was having little issue finding good hand and foot holds in the rock.  They also found that there were plenty of flat areas that served as areas of respite during their climb.  That's not to say it was easy, but rather that it was manageable for adventurers of their experience.

Turn 3
Lem - BoG
Trapped Spellbook - Divine + BoAbadar = D10+5+2D10 = 23 = Success = D4 random spells to hand = 2 = Bewilder, Detect Evil
Detect Evil - Leng Spider
Recharge Detect Evil = Success

As he dispatched another giant spider, Valeros reflected on the sheer scope of their journey.  It felt as though they had been working towards this final battle for years.  How long had it been?  He had truly lost track of time.  He was sure Lem felt the same.  He shook his head in disbelief and continued the climb.

Turn 4
Valeros - BoG
Leng Spider - D6 to see if I can play spells with attack trait - 3 - no attack spells, oh noes!
Reveal and recharge Fanged Falchion + Lem rechage = D10+7+4D4+2+D4+3 = 28 = Success
Wisdom check to close +Lem recharge + Lem BoErastil = 3D4+3 = 6 = Fail

As they continued, they found that not only were enemies a constant threat, but traps as well.  Explosive rune traps were well-placed all over the cliffs.  Lem supposed it made sense, since they were nearing the lair of a runelord, but it made them no less annoying to deal with.

Turn 5
Lem - BoNethys
Warlord - Frost Ray + Valeros = D10+5+2D6+D4+5 = 18 = Success
Recharge Frost Ray = Success
Discard BoPharasma explore - Black Arrow Ranger - Diplomacy = D10+7 = auto-acquire
Discard Black Arrow Ranger explore - Explosive Runes - Arcane + Valeros BoAbadar = D10+5+2D10 = 24 = Success

The traps were honestly pretty insulting, Valeros thought.  As though they would fall victim to a simple spell or hole dug into the ground.  To him, it was a clear sign of disrespect.

Turn 6
Valeros - BoIrori
Pit Trap - Dex + Lem recharge + Lem BoCalistria = 3D8+D4+3 = 23 = Success
Wisdom check to close + Lem recharge = 2D4+3 = 10 = Success

The sense of finality that Lem was experiencing only grew stronger as they climbed.  What would they even do after this?  Lem laughed as he realized that he had never given it thought.  Indeed, who would even believe their tale after this.  The whole journey felt like one absurd battle after another.

Turn 7
Lem - BoLamashtu
Death Zone 2
Trapped Locker - just take the damage and banish it forever = D4-1 = 1 card discarded from top of deck

Another spider descended upon Valeros.  This time, he didn't even have to react, as their tiger companion pounced from a nearby rock.  The cat was having no issues in scaling the rocks with the duo.  Valeros wondered if the cat knew where they were headed, or had any concept of what awaited them there.  Probably best if it didn't.

Turn 8
Valeros - BoIrori
Death Zone 2
Leng Spider - D6 or no attack spells - 1 nope, no spells - Impaler of Thorns + recharge tiger + Lem recharge = D10+7+D8+2+D6+D4+3 = 21 = fail = recharge impaler of thorns to reroll = umm wow so much worse.  16.  = all damage to----Lem - Bury Hide Armor of Fire Resistance to reduce to 0

A flash of metal was the only warning that a blade trap had been sprung in the rocks facing the pair as they climbed.  Fortunately, the metal could not penetrate the protection Lem's ring offered.  Nor could it pierce the magic armor that Valeros wore.  The pair sighed in unison and continued onward.

Turn 9
Lem - BoShelyn
Slashing Blade - No way in hell - D4 damage to both
Lem - 1 - ring of prot to avoid
Valeros - 2 - recharge magic half-plate to avoid

As Valeros sliced through another apparition sent to stop their progress, he cocked his head towards Lem.
"So, have you thought about what happens after this?"
"What, you mean the fight at the top?  Not really."
"Yeah, that, and what happens after that's over."
"Nah, you know me, I like to live one moment at a time." Lem chuckled and Valeros let it go at that.  He glanced upwards; halfway there.

Turn 10
Valeros - BoDesna
Ghost - Scythe+1 + Lem recharge = D10+7+2D4+1+D4+3 = 19 = Success = Banished forever
Discard Merchant explore - Spectre - Scythe+1 + Lem recharge = D10+7+2D4+1+D4+3 = 18 = Success = Banished forever

Lem was glad to know that he wasn't the only one coming to the realization that their quest was nearly at an end.  He thought back to when he first met the crazy man next to him, and smiled at the fact that he could never have imagined how close they would become over the course of the journey.  Valeros was like family now.  No, even closer than that.  Would they go their separate ways after this?

Turn 11
Lem - BoG
Collapsed Ceiling - Valeros discard Thieves’ Tools to defeat = Banished forever

Turn 12
Valeros - BoNethys
Staff of Minor healing - Lem 
Clockwork Librarian - Int + Lem recharge + BoTorag = 2D6+D4+3 = 0 = holy crap

They must be getting close now, Lem could hear the rumbling of giants above.  Sure enough, a hulking reanimated corpse descended upon them soon thereafter.  Magical fire was quick to end that threat, though.  It wouldn't be long now.

Turn 13
Lem - BoG
Zombie Giant - I admit, I almost used Bewilder, are you proud of me? :P - Incendiary Cloud + Valeros + Valeros BoGorum = 2D4+3D4+D4+5 = 19 = Success
Recharge Incendiary Cloud = Fail

They were up in the clouds that surrounded the peak now.  The lack of vision was frustrating, but nothing they couldn't deal with.  Ice crystals had formed on their clothes and packs, but Valeros didn't feel the slightest bit cold.  Maybe it was the exertion from the climb, maybe something less mundane, but Valeros wasn't concerned either way.

Turn 14 
Valeros - BoTorag
Slashing Blade - my archnemesis - Dex + Lem recharge = D8+D4+3 = 11 = Success! = Banished forever

Lem took a brief moment to heal the pair before their final ascent.  Neither spoke, other than the incantation that Lem muttered as he mended their wounds this one last time.

Turn 15
Lem - BoG
Exchange Bewilder for Mass Cure in discard
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 5
Valeros - 3
Recharge Mass Cure - Fail

Another spider fell to Valeros' club, as they neared the end of their climb.  The palace ahead of them was truly gargantuan. it shimmered with gold and other precious metals.  It was by far the most ornate and intricately-designed building that Valeros had ever seen.  It was otherworldy, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't in awe.

Turn 16
Valeros - BoG
Leng Spider - D6 for attack spells - 4 ATTACK SPELLS HOOOOOO! - Mokmurian’s club + Discard a card + Lem Charmed Red Dragon + Lem recharge = D10+7+D10+2+D10+5+D4+3 = 35 = Success
Dragon Roll - 10
Wisdom to close + Lem recharge + BoNethys = 3D4+3 = 9 = Fail

Turn 17
Lem - BoG

One final zombie giant stood between the pair and their destination.  The duo did not hesitate, bringing the giant down with ease.  This was it.  Time to see what was on the other side.  They strained and pushed open the palace doors easily four times their size, and entered.

Turn 18
Valeros - BoG
Zombie Giant…..again - Mokmurian’s club + Lem recharge - D10+7+D10+2+D4+3 = 26 = Success
Discard Zuvuzeg explore - BoIomedae - Charisma - D6 = 6 = Success
Wisdom close check + Lem BoGozreh + BoIomedae + Lem recharge = 5D4+3 = 17 = Success 

Post-Game Analysis

Hello again, everyone, and welcome to the penultimate scenario!  This one is one of those scenarios that is a lot scarier to play through the more characters you have in your party.  With two, it wasn't so bad.  I never really felt pressured or endangered.

I wanted to convey some reflection on the part of our characters for this installment.  They never really get a chance to think about the things they are doing, or the obstacles they have overcome to reach this point, so I thought it might be fun to explore that a bit.

There won't be any wait for the final installment.  It's on the way today!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Cop and a Half Episode 33 - Do you know the way to Xin-Shalast?

Lem did not sleep.  Not really, anyway.  Any time he closed his eyes, his mind summoned nightmarish images that sent adrenaline surging.  The bitter wind whistled through the dilapidated cabin that they had chosen to spend the night in, which didn't help things.  All he could do was count the seconds before the sun rose once again.

Male Halfling Bard Charlatan
Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing, Armor, Item
Skill Feats: Charisma +4, Intelligence +1
Power Feats: 
Light Armor proficiency 
Once per check, recharge a card to card to add 1D4+3 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or defeat a henchman or villain
Starting Deck
Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2
Wand of Enervation
Sihedron Medallion
Staff of Hungry Shadows
Wand of Scorching Ray
Incendiary Cloud
Holy Light
Frost Ray
Lightning Bolt
Mass Cure
Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
Saber Toothed Tiger

Valeros slept like a rock.  He had been in placed far worse than this, and seen things far worse than any hallucination his mind could conjure.  This might be their last opportunity to rest before the final battle, and he was determined to make the best of it.

Male Human Fighter Weapon Master
Card Feats: Weapon x2, Item, Blessing, Ally
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1
Power Feats: 
Hand Size 5
Add 1d4+5 to another character’s combat check at your location
You may use Melee in place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait
Starting Deck
Fanged Falchion
Dancing Scimitar+2
Impaler of Thorns
Longsword +2
Bastard Sword +1
Mokmurian’s Club
Magic Chain Mail
Magic Shield
Magic Half-Plate
Wand of Treasure Finding
Emerald Codex
Staff of Minor Healing
Thieves Tools
Grizzled Mercenary
Charmed Red Dragon
BoAbadar x2

Once the first rays of sunlight began to peek over the mountaintop, Lem woke Valeros up and got them moving.  As soon as they stepped outside, their tiger emitted a low growl as it sniffed the air.  Something was wrong.

Before they could react, a fearsome creature was upon them.  A long-haired bipedal beast, easily twice the size of Valeros.  Still, Lem was tired, but not that tired.  He and Valeros were like a well-oiled machine at this stage in their adventure.  He aimed his crossbow for the head of the creature while Valeros swept the leg.  The creature went down without trouble.

Turn 1
Lem - BoDesna
Mountain Peak
Wisdom Check from location - Wisdom + BoCalistria = 2D6 = 7 = Success
Ambush - Dex + Valeros Bobadar = 3D8 = 13 = Fail = search location for a monster card = Abominable Snowman - Reveal and discard Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2 + Valeros = D8+D10+2+D12+D4+5 = 31 (yes, subtracting 1 from each die) = Success
Discard BoNethys to examine top 2 cards - Heavy Pick +1 and Tickwood Boar - encounter heavy pick +1 - fail

They carried on along the mountain peak, working in the direction that they hoped Xin-Shalast lay.  The dwarven expedition that had built that cabin was fabled to have discovered Xin-Shalast as well, so it couldn't be too far.  Along the way, the pair encountered several varieties of unfriendly wildlife, but had no trouble dispatching it.

Turn 2
Valeros - BoGorum
Bury a card
Tickwood Boar - Mokmurian’s club - D10+7+D10+2 = auto-dead = recharge random card from discard
Emerald Codex - Detect Evil, Restoration, Invoke
Detect Evil - Headband of Epic intelligence
Restoration - Lem

Turn 3
Lem - BoPharasma
Bury a card
Headband of Epic Intelligence - Fail
Discard Toad explore - Entropy Shield - Fail
Discard Merchant explore - Ambush (again?!) - Dex + Valeros BoGorum = 2D8 = 4 = Fail - search for a monster - Bunyip - Wand of Scorching Ray = 4D6 = 13 = Success = Banished Forever
Recharge Wand = Success
Haste explore - Pit Trap - Dex = D8 = 7 = fail = D4 damage to both
Lem - 4
Valeros - 2
Recharge Haste = Success

At long last, the gates of Xin-Shalast came into view.  The tarnished brass filigree glistened in the early morning sunlight.  Even as they walked towards them, the gates began opening slowly.  Soon, the cause for their opening came into view.

A massive giant stepped from the city and stood, one hand on it's hip, the other clutching a monstrous sword, staring at them as they approached.  Valeros exhaled sharply and began stretching.  He pulled out his falchion, a wicked curved sword, and began jogging towards the giant, with the tiger following just behind.

The closer he got the more his pace quickened, until finally he was at a full sprint when he reached the giant.  No words were exchanged, for there was nothing to say.  Valeros ducked underneath the blade of the giant, slashing at the back of it's knees.  With a thunderous noise, the giant fell forward and then it was the tiger's turn.  It ripped and tore at the neck of the giant in a brutal fashion until the form of the tiger itself was lost in a sea of red.  The gates were open and they were free to enter Xin-Shalast.

Turn 4
Valeros - BoErastil
Location Wisdom check - wisdom + lem recharge = 2D4+3 = 7 = Success
Warden of Runes - 1 electricity damage to both - Reveal and recharge fanged falchion = D10+7+4D4+2 = 25 = Success
Location Close check - Ghlorofaex deals D4+1 electricity damage to both 
Lem - 4
Valeros - 2
Valeros Wisdom +BoGorum = 2D4 = 6 = holy crap it’s closed
Examine City Gate - Crushing Door

They took a moment to clean off.  Fortunately, there was plenty of snow around to use as a water source.  No further movement or noise came from the city, which was disconcerting to say the least.  Was it abandoned?  Why would the giant be guarding it then?

Turn 5
Lem - BoIrori
Trade Haste for Mass Cure 
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 2
Valeros - 5
Recharge Mass Cure = fail
Examine Town Square - Wand of Shield

Valeros moved to inspect the corpse of the giant.  It appeared that this one was more well-armed than their previous opponents.  There were some magic items here that Valeros might make good use of.

Turn 6
Valeros - BoShelyn
City Gate
Bury Wand of Treasure Finding - Returning Frost Spear +2
Returning Frost Spear +2 = Dex + Lem BoPharasma + BoAbadar = 3D8 = 17 = Success
Discard BoTorag explore - Maester Grump - Diplomacy - D6+2 = 6 = Fail
Discard Zuvuzeg explore - Ring of Protection - Constitution - D8+1 = 7 = Success

Valeros gave to Lem a ring he had found with protective runes inscribed upon it, and then the pair continued into the city itself.

Turn 7
Lem - BoDesna
City Gate

Turn 8
Valeros - BoG
Give Lem Ring of Prot
Staff of Minor Healing - Lem
Goblin Pyro - Explode it - banish forever - 1 fire damage

As they passed through the gates, they began to close with incredible speed.  Whether this was a trap or a deliberate attempt to crush them, Lem couldn't be sure.  They managed to squeeze through before being crushed to a pulp, and breathed a sigh of relief on the other side.

Turn 9
Lem - BoNethys
Snake - Wisdom - D6 = 1 = Fail = Banish forever
Discard BoErastil explore - Crushing Door - Dex + BoAbadar + Valeros BoAbadar = 5D8 = 15 = Success

Turn 10
Valeros - BoG
Hellhound - explode it - banish forever - 1 damage to each - Lem reveals ring of prot

Awaiting them on the other side was yet another giant, appearing to be the same in all ways to their last opponent.  Lem leveled his wand and blasted the creature with a gout of flame before it could even react.  The stench was terrible, but the battle was over before it had begun.

Turn 11
Lem - BoG
Exchange Haste for Mass Cure
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 5
Valeros - 3
Recharge Mass Cure = Fail
Warden of Runes - 1 electricity damage to each - Lem reveals Ring of Prot - Wand of Scorching Ray + Valeros = 4D6+D4+5 = 23 = Success, and yes I realize my incredible luck right now
Recharge wand = Success
Location Close - Ghlorofaex - deals 1D4+1 to both
Lem - 4 - uses sihedron medallion
Valeros - 3
Recharge Medallion = Fail
Summon a Bandit Henchman - recharge a card - Strength + Valeros = D4+D4+5 = 10 = Success 
Location Closed

The buildings littering the city were ornate in structure and massive in size.  It was clear that this city was designed for, if not by, giants.  And it didn't take long for the inhabitants of the city to rush from these structures to meet them.  Lem blasted a stone giant with a holy light, sending it crumbling to the ground.

As seemingly easy as it was to dispatch these giants, they had no desire to stick around and meet them all.  They moved through the streets with a quickened pace, looking for a structure that would be the obvious place for Karzoug to rule from.

Turn 12
Valeros - BoGozreh
Town Square
Wand of Shield - Fail

Turn 13
Lem - BoGozreh
Exchange Frost Ray for Mass Cure
Town Square
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 2
Valeros - 2
Recharge Mass Cure - Fail
Stone Giant - Holy Light + BoGozreh (recharged) + Valeros = D10+5+2D6+D10+D4+5 = 29 = Success
Recharge Holy Light = Success

They cut down more of the city's inhabitants as they worked their way through the wide but winding streets.  There must be some kind of palace or notable structure here, but where?

Turn 14
Valeros - BoGozreh (sigh)
Bastard Sword - Auto-acquire
Discard Grizzled Merc explore - Enfeeble - Banished
Discard BoTorag explore - Skinsaw Ritual - Each encounter a skinsaw cultist
Lem - Wand of Scorching Ray + Valeros = 4D6+D4+5 = 19 = Success
Valeros - Reveal and recharge Bastard Sword + Lem recharge = D10+7+D10+D4+3 = dead cultist
Ritual banished forever
Recharge Wand = Success

Turn 15
Lem - BoG

Before that question could be answered, they were nearly knocked from their feet by a gust of wind.  turning to face the source, they both gasped involuntarily at the sight of a huge blue dragon.  It's scaled head reared back on a serpentine neck before blasting them both with it's deadly breath attack.  Valeros was able to dodge to the side just in time, but Lem was not so lucky.  He was alive, but hurting.

Valeros rose and met the dragon head-on with his scimitar while Lem conjured a great cloud of fire with one hand while leveling his wand at the beast with another.  The creature roared with enough force to cause snow on nearby peaks to cascade downwards in an avalanche.

Singed and bleeding, the dragon spread it's terrible bat-like wings and took to the skies.

Turn 16
Valeros - BoNorgorber
Warden of Runes - Banished and replaced by Ghlorofaex - D4+1 damage to everyone
Lem - 4 - ring of prot reduces it to 3
Valeros - 5 - Buries Magic Half-Plate to reduce to 0
Incendiary Cloud
Wand of Enervation - -8 to check
Reveal and recharge Dancing Scimitar +2 + Charmed Red Dragon + Incendiary Cloud = D10+7+2D6+4+5+2D4 = 30 = Success
Recharge Incendiary Cloud = Success
Recharge Wand = Fail
Dragon Roll = 8
Each Character Recharges and draws a card
Location Closed

Lem used his curative magic on himself and Valeros while they had the chance.  They then followed the dragon's flight, which led them out of the city and towards the largest peak on the mountain.

Turn 17
Lem - BoG
Exchange Incendiary Cloud for Mass Cure 
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 4
Valeros - 4
Recharge Mass Cure = Fail
Heptaric Locus

Turn 18
Valeros - BoIomedae
Heptaric Locus
Magic Chain Mail - Banish forever

Turn 19
Lem - BoDesna
Exchange Holy Light for Mass Cure
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 4
Valeros - 5

Another giant, this one riding a mammoth, stood between them and the dragon.  Valeros wasted no time, crushing one of the woolly beast's kneecaps with his club.  The beast moaned in pain and sent it's rider flying as it collapsed.  The giant was not able to recover before Valeros put his club to work on it.  Lem knew that in situations like this, sometimes it was best to stay out of the mans way and let him work.

Turn 20
Valeros - BoShelyn
Mammoth - Mokmurian’s club + Lem recharge = D10+7+D10+2+D4+3 = 23 = Success = recharge a card from discard
Discard BoAbadar explore - Sinspawn Axeman - Mokmurian’s club + Discard a card + Lem recharge = D10+7+D10+2+D10+D4+3 = 31 = Success = recharge a card from discard
Discard BoGorum explore - BoTorag = auto-acquire
Discard BoTorag explore - Warden of Runes - 1 electricity damage to both - lem reveals ring of prot to avoid - Mokmurian’s club + Lem BoGozreh + Lem recharge = D10+7+D10+2+D10+D4+3 = 31 = Success = recharge card from discard
Only Ghlorofaex left

They stopped for a moment to catch their breath.  By chance, Lem glanced upwards and saw the glint of gold from the mountain peak.  Slowly, the clouds surrounding the peak parted for a brief moment, and Lem grabbed his partner's arm and pointed upward.

"I think that's what we're looking for."  He said in awe.

Above them, a titanic palace dominated the entirety of the peak.  They had caught their breath.  It was time to finish that dragon and start their journey to the top.

Turn 21
Lem - BoG

Turn 22
Valeros - BoNethys

Turn 23
Lem - BoIrori
Exchange Frost Ray for Mass Cure
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 5
Valeros - 4
Recharge Mass Cure = Fail

The dragon itself was no match for the rested and prepared duo.  Valeros took no pleasure in felling such a magnificent beast, much to his own surprise.  He almost felt sorry for it.  The runelord on the mountain, though, he did not feel sorry for.  Only rage.

Turn 24
Valeros - BoShelyn
Ghlorofaex - D4+1 electricity damage to both
Lem - 3 - reduced to 2 from ring of prot
Valeros - 2
Mokmurian’s club + discard a card + Lem BoCalistria + Lem recharge = D10+7+D10+2+D10+D10+D4+3 = 40 = Success

Scenario Victory!
Reward - Each character chooses a type of boon and draws a random non-basic non-elite one from the box
Lem - Spell - Incendiary Cloud : /
Valeros - Ally - Father Zantus...

Post-Game Analysis

Here we are, in the final stretch.  My apologies for the delay, but we'll get there eventually :)  As mentioned previously, I've finished the AP at this point, so my only barrier is finding the time to post.
This one was close at points, mostly because I play so recklessly.  I did manage to snag a few really nice upgrades, like the frost spear and ring of prot (finally), and some really awful upgrades like Father Zantus (no offense, old man).  Let's hope I made good use of what I found in these final scenarios!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Cop and a Half Episode 32 - Cabin in the Snow

It took time, but Lem was able to unlock at least some of the secrets of the runeforge.  He was able to imbue their weapons (yes, even all of Valeros') with some of it's power.  Satisfied, they left the runeforge and returned to the mountaintop from which they entered.  It was time to go to Xin-Shalast.

Male Halfling Bard Charlatan
Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing, Armor, Item
Skill Feats: Charisma +4, Intelligence +1
Power Feats: 
Light Armor proficiency 
Once per check, recharge a card to card to add 1D4+3 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or defeat a henchman
Starting Deck
Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2
Wand of Enervation
Sihedron Medallion
Staff of Hungry Shadows
Wand of Scorching Ray
Incendiary Cloud
Holy Light
Frost Ray
Lightning Bolt
Mass Cure
Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
Saber Toothed Tiger
BoPharasma x2

The last mention of Xin-Shalast in any of tomes that they had studied in their travels placed the city somewhere in the Kodar mountains.  In fact, the only time it had been described in any detail was in mention of a dwarven expedition to find the city.  That was some time ago, but perhaps the pair could find the remains of that expedition as a starting point.

Male Human Fighter Weapon Master
 Card Feats: Weapon x2, Item, Blessing, Ally
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1
Power Feats: 
Hand Size 5
Add 1d4+4 to another character’s combat check at your location
You may use Melee in place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait
Starting Deck
Fanged Falchion
Dancing Scimitar+2
Impaler of Thorns
Longsword +2
Bastard Sword +1
Mokmurian’s Club
Magic Chain Mail
Magic Shield
Magic Half-Plate
Wand of Treasure Finding
Emerald Codex
Staff of Minor Healing
Blast Stone
Grizzled Mercenary
Charmed Red Dragon

Rimeskull itself was found on the western edge of the Kodar mountains, which spanned almost the entirety of the northern border of Varisia.  Not knowing precisely where Xin-Shalast was located, they would have to travel east, searching for signs of the dwarves and hoping that those signs still existed. And so the pair and their tiger set out from Rimeskull, following the base of the mountains through thick woods.

Their first encounter was with a horde of undead.  Though they were easily defeated, their appearance was unhelpful in determining whether they were still on the correct path to Xin-Shalast.

Turn 1
Lem - BoShelyn
Skeleton Horde - Everyone fights an ancient skeleton *yawn*
Lem - Lightning Bolt + Valeros = D10+5+3D6+D4+4 = Dead
Valeros - Bastard Sword+1 = D10+7+D10+1 = Super Dead
Skeleton Horde banished forever
Recharge Lightning Bolt = Successful

As they felled the last skeleton in the horde that had attacked them, a great howl sounded from the woods.  It was haunting, unlike anything they had heard before.  It echoed through the trees, and sent a chill up Lem's spine and sent their tiger running into the woods.

Valeros, as usual, was unfazed.  He readied his sword for whatever might attack them.  However, even he could not remain steady at the sight of the creature that charged them from the trees.  It was a huge, muscular, bipedal, but definitely not humanoid.  It's limbs were long and misshapen.  The hands formed into impossibly large claws while the legs ended at the ankle.  It simply floated towards them with incredible speed.

Worst of all was it's head: a twisted mockery of an elk, with huge red eyes and a twisted rack of antlers sprouting from it.  The sound it produced was nearly deafening.  Valeros slashed at it as he tried to dive from it's path, but his blade appeared to be ineffectual.  It sprinted past them, heading east.  Perhaps this creature, terrifying as it was, would lead them to their destination.  Reluctantly, they followed.

Turn 2
Valeros - BoG
Wendigo - No spells, difficulty +2, Reveal Bastard Sword+1 + BoGorum + Lem BoIrori + Lem Recharge = D10+7+D10+1+2D10+D10+D4+3 = 36 = Success 
Location Closed

They reached the mouth of a great cave.  The creature had entered here, and they could still hear it's screams echoing through the hollow rock.  They entered cautiously, but it was no use.  The creature descended upon Lem with blinding speed.  In seconds, Lem lay bleeding on the stone floor, and the creature was gone once again.

Turn 3
Lem - BoNethys
Treacherous Cave
Wendigo - ugh - just discard whole hand and cry a little, then Wendigo moves and I discard one more card.  Now, this location says I need to pass a check to be moved to another location, so I just voluntarily failed that and thus wasn’t moved by Wendigo’s effect

As Valeros tended to Lem's wounds, he sensed movement from behind them.  It wasn't the creature, but something else.  As he turned, the pale blue outline of a dwarf shimmered in the darkness.  It said nothing, but reached out toward, eyes wide with horror.  Slowly, bites of flesh disappeared from the dwarf, until there was nothing left.  The bones collapsed to the floor before disappearing.

"That..." Lem said weakly, struggling to rise, "That was one of the dwarves.  If their spirits haunt this place, we must be close."

Turn 4
Valeros - BoG
Treacherous Cave
Emerald Codex - Consecration, Detect Magic, Holy Light
Detect Magic - Goblin Warchanter
Goblin Warchanter - Scythe+1 = D10+7+2D4+1 = Banished forever
Discard BoAbadar explore - Cannibal Haunt - Banish Burglar from hand forever
Location Close check - Wisdom + Lem Recharge + Lem BoPharasma = 3D4+3 = 12 = Success
Wendigo Remains in Deck 

Valeros helped Lem to his feet and, slowly, they began to make progress once again.  Valeros was on-guard for any sign that the creature was near.  Lem was in bad shape, and he couldn't afford to join him.

Turn 5
Lem - BoG

They reached the end of the tunnel, and standing in the entryway was the creature, waiting for them.  Valeros gently set Lem down and readied his sword once again.  The creature made no move, but stood motionless at the entrance.  It stared at them with those giant red eyes.

Valeros charged, not wanting to give the creature an opportunity to strike first.  His sword cleaved through the creature and it dissipated, vanishing like a mist.  Was it destroyed?  That seemed too easy.  No, they had best remain on their guard.  Retrieving Lem, they resumed their journey and exited the cave.

Turn 6
Valeros - BoG
Wendigo - No spells with the attack trait, difficulty +2, banish haunt difficulty -2, Reveal and recharge Bastard Sword +1 + Lem Recharge + Lem reduces check difficulty using staff of hungry shadows + Lem BoPharasma + Dancing Scimitar +2 recharge = D10+7+D10+1+D10+D4+3+D10+D6+2 = 37 = success = no need to roll for staff
Location closed
Staff of minor healing - Lem

They had reached the peak of the mountain, and Lem still felt as though they were on the right track.  The scene they witnessed with the dwarf was a warning, and it was one that his wounds told him he should take to heart.

Turn 7
Lem - BoCalistria
Mountain Peak
Learned my lesson - no explore

Lem had finally recovered enough to be able to heal some of his wounds with a divine prayer.  He hoped it would be enough to see him through this trek.  These mountains were treacherous, and the monsters that lurked here would only make it more challenging.

Valeros stopped just outside the cave, spotting a glint in the snow that littered the mountain peak.  He found tools, and they were of dwarven make.  This only reinforced the notion that they were close to the dwarven encampment, if not Xin-Shalast itself.

Turn 8
Valeros - BoAbadar
Mountain Peak
Lem Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 5
Valeros - 3
Recharge Mass Cure - Fail
Wand of Treasure Finding - Thieves Tools - no sign of henchman or villain
Thieves Tools - Dex = D8 = 6 = Success

Although they had reached the peak, this mountain range was massive.  They continued their journey east, hoping that the encampment was nearby.  They were sure that no dwarves were left there, whether or not they had found Xin-Shalast, but there may still be some shelter.

Turn 9
Lem - BoG
Bury a card

A sound in the rocks nearby caused the pair to whirl, and they both sprang into action, unleashing hell on the spot where the sound had come from.  Convinced that whatever might have been there was destroyed or disappeared, they moved to inspect the area.  Valeros found a book half-buried in the snow.  He picked it up and attempted to open it.  There was a lock on it, but it would stand no chance against his strength.  As he pried the book open, Lem turned and saw what his friend was doing.

"Wait, don't-" but it was too late; Valeros opened the book and it exploded in flames, engulfing both of the adventurers.  After rolling in the snow to extinguish the flames, Lem brushed some of the soot and snow from his clothes as he chastised his companion.

"You may be able to read a few spells, but leave the strange books to me next time."  Valeros couldn't argue with that.

Turn 10
Valeros - BoCalistria
Bury a card
Ambush - Dex + BoCalistria (recharged!) + Lem BoAbadar = 5D8 = 21 = Success
Free explore - Trapped Spellbook - Yeah, no way - 2D4 fire damage to both
Lem - 4
Valeros - 4
Lem Sihedron Medallion reduces to 0 
Recharge Medallion = Success

Lem took another brief opportunity to heal their wounds.  Who knows when they might have another chance to do so?  As he muttered the healing incantations, he involuntarily shivered, noticing for the first time how cold it was on the mountain peak.  They would need to find shelter before dark.

Turn 11
Lem - BoNorgorber
Bury a card
Exchange Incendiary Cloud for Mass Cure
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 4
Valeros - 3
Recharge Mass Cure - Fail

Their trek continued unmolested for some time.  Only the wind howled at them from between the sparse trees.  They saw no further sign of the dwarves, or their camp.  Valeros started to worry that perhaps they had lost the trail.

Turn 12
Valeros - BoCalistria
Bury a card
BoLamashtu - Intelligence - D6 = 4 = Fail
Discard BoGorum explore - BoAbadar - Dex - D8 = 6 = Success
Discard BoAbadar expore - Greatsword - Melee - D10+7 = 13 = Success

That worry disappeared quickly as a shambling mass of vegetation moved towards them.  A quick poisoned bolt, and a bit of flame, were quick to end that threat, but it was not the last of the threats that faced them.

Turn 13
Lem - BoIrori
Bury a card
Battered Chest - Banish forever
Discard Toad explore - Elven Breastplate - Banish forever
Discard BoErastil Explore - BoCalistria - auto-acquire
Discard BoCalistria explore - Muck Graul - Wand of Enervation - -7 to difficulty, Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2 + Charmed Red Dragon + Valeros = D8+D10+2+5+D8+D4+4 = 34 = overkill
Recharge Wand = Success
Red Dragon Roll - 8 = Safe

A robed figure stood on the horizon, watching the pair.  Was this a servant of Karzoug?  Perhaps a citizen of Xin-Shalast itself!  Before any of these questions could be answered, Valeros' spear flew through the air and impaled the figure, killing it instantly.

Exasperated, Lem turned to his companion, "We actually might have wanted to question that one."

Valeros only shrugged, and moved to retrieve his spear.

Turn 14 
Valeros - BoGorum
Bury a card
Cultist - seriously?  Banished forever

They crested another rise, and saw it: the dwarven encampment!  It was in shambles, and half-buried, but it was there.  Their pace quickened to reach shelter and explore the remnants of the dwarves for clues.

Before they could reach it, a spectral figure rose from the earth to block their path.  It said nothing but flew, arms outstretched, towards Lem.  He fired his magical crossbow at the creature, and it seemed surprised to find that the bolt found its mark.  It dropped into the snow before vanishing.

"Well, we're definitely on the right track." Lem muttered.

Turn 15
Lem - BoPharasma
Bury a card
Karivek Vekker - Combat - Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2 + Recharge Tiger + BoPharasma + Valeros BoAbadar + Valeros = D8+D10+2+D6+D8+D8+D4+4 = 29 = Success
Location Close check - Wisdom + BoAbadar = 3D6 = 9 = Success
Examine top card of Village House = Shadow

Another shadow confronted them as they entered the first dilapidated cabin, but was easily cast aside by Valeros' blade.  How many ghosts were there here, Valeros wondered.  There had already been too many for his taste.  He preferred corporeal foes.

Turn 16
Valeros - BoErastil
Village House
Shadow - Bastard Sword +1 = D10+7+D10+1 = 19 = Success

Lem took another opportunity to heal what remaining wounds they had.  They began to search the first cabin, filled mostly with decayed clothing, bones, and rusted weapons.  There was very little here worth salvaging.

Turn 17
Lem - BoIrori
Exchange Haste for Mass Cure
Village House
Mass Cure - 1D4+1 to both
Lem - 5
Valeros - 2
Mass Cure recharge - Fail
Soldier - Banish forever
Discard BoGozreh explore - Warhammer - Banish forever

Valeros began throwing piles of junk out into the snow, trying to clean up some of the space in the makeshift cabin.  It was small by his standards, and the more room he could make, the better.

Turn 18
Valeros - BoShelyn
BoG - auto-acquire
Discard BoG explore - Night Watch - Banish forever

Lem helped his companion, grabbing piles of gnawed bones that he would rather not think about, and throwing them outside.  Underneath one pile, his eye caught a cluster of runes.  Thassilonian runes.  He had become quite adept at spotting them at this point, and there was no mistake.  These particular runes appeared to be some sort of trap, which Lem was fortunately able to disarm.

Once he did so, however, another hideous dwarven apparition appeared.  This one, like the others, had great bites taken from it's flesh.  There was no time to reach for his crossbow, the thing was upon him.  Spectral teeth and claws began gnawing at him before Valeros could attempt to remove the ghost from Lem.  They were so intertwined, it was impossible to swing any of his weapons at the creature, so Valeros went in himself, attempting to wrench the creature from his friend.  Finally, he was able to wrap his hands around the neck of the spirit, and tore it's head free from the spectral body.  It did not die, but merely disappeared back to whatever limbo it had come from.

Turn 19
Lem - BoDesna
Exchange Holy Light for Mass Cure
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 2
Valeros - 5
Recharge Mass Cure - Fail
Zuvuzeg - recharge venomous crossbow to acquire
Discard Zuvuzeg explore - Explosive Runes - Arcane + BoIrori = 2D10+5 = 15 = Success
Haste explore - BoNethys - Auto-acquire
Recharge Haste = Success
Discard BoNethys explore - BoTorag - Auto-acquire
Discard BoTorag explore - Silas Vekker -  14 to defeat? No problem!  Wait...WISDOM?!  OK...nm
All the damage to BOTH characters

Valeros once again helped Lem to his feet and checked his wounds.  They were not fatal, but the bites and scratches were deep.  If they did not plan on resting here before, they would definitely need to now.  Especially with that abomination still roaming the snowy peak outside.

Turn 20
Valeros - BoG

Before they could even gather themselves or prepare any defense, the door to the cabin burst into a thousand splinters, and sent Valeros flying into the wall, unconscious.  In the doorway stood the monster.  The unblinking eyes were fixated on the pair, and it's twisted maw opened, emitting a terrible scream.  It charged Lem knocking him to the ground with it's antlers.  Lem wasn't about to go down without a fight, though.  He swung at the creature with his bare fists, again and again.  One blow pierced one of the bulbous red eyes, and the thing reared back.  The screaming it emitted never ceased.

The wind was suddenly knocked from Lem's lungs as another weight descended upon the pile.  Their tiger had returned!  It's claws and teeth tore open the backside of the creature.  After a few moments of melee that felt like an eternity, the thing collapsed upon Lem completely.  The tiger sank it's teeth into it and dragged it from Lem's body.  Lem was alive, and he would heal.

Turn 21
Lem - BoG
Wendigo - No attack spells, Wisdom check + BoCalistria + Valeros BoG = 3D6 = 12 = Success, Wand of enervation - -7 to difficulty, Strength + Recharge Tiger + Valeros Blast Stone + BoErastil + Valeros BoGorum + Valeros = D4+D6+D4+D4+2D4+D4+4 = 22 =  Success
Yes, Lem just rode in on a tiger and punched the Wendigo TO DEATH

Valeros boarded up the doorway as best he could, and they spent the night freezing inside the cabin.  It was not pleasant, but they would survive.  They had to.

Xin-Shalast awaited them both.

Scenario Victory!
Reward - Power Feat
Lem - Add 2 to acquire an ally, defeat a henchman or villain
Valeros - Add 1D4+5 to another character’s combat check at your location

Post-Game Analysis
This was a really fun one.  It's also one that I feel is much more difficult with more characters, so I was thankful to be playing only with 2.  No real loot of note this time, just another solid adventure in the books.

Behind the scenes, I only have two scenarios left to play for this campaign.  I'm excited and sad at the same time to be finishing this up.  Till next time!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Cop and a Half Episode 31 - Into the Runeforge

There couldn't be much of this place left unexplored, Lem thought.  They had fought their way through a small army already to get to this point.  Speaking of points, he had surmised that the runewell that they were in was constructed in the same shape as the Sihedron medallion he carried.  This gave him a much clearer idea of where they were going and where they had been.  He was convinced that they had nearly finished their exploration of this place.

Male Halfling Bard Charlatan
Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing, Armor, Item
Skill Feats: Charisma +4, Intelligence +1
Power Feats: 
Light Armor proficiency 
Once per check, recharge a card to card to add 1D4+3 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or defeat a henchman
Starting Deck
Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2
Wand of Enervation
Sihedron Medallion
Staff of Hungry Shadows
Incendiary Cloud
Holy Light
Frost Ray
Lightning Bolt
Mass Cure
Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
Saber Toothed Tiger
BoPharasma x2

Bored.  So bored.  That was the only thing running through Valeros' mind.  He desperately wanted to find the exit to this place, kill Karzoug and be done with it.  He did his best to appear interested while Lem was explaining his theories about runes and Thassilonians and whatever else.  The truth of it was, Valeros was simply bored out of his skull.  He had made fast friends with Lem's new tiger companion, though.  He was certain that the cat was as bored as he was.

Male Human Fighter Weapon Master
Card Feats: Weapon x2, Item, Blessing, Ally
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1
Power Feats: 
Hand Size 5
Add 1d4+4 to another character’s combat check at your location
You may use Melee in place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait
Starting Deck
Fanged Falchion
Dancing Scimitar+2
Impaler of Thorns
Longsword +2
Bastard Sword +1
Mokmurian’s Club
Magic Chain Mail
Magic Shield
Magic Half-Plate
Wand of Treasure Finding
Emerald Codex
Staff of Minor Healing
Grizzled Mercenary
Charmed Red Dragon

While Valeros and Lem's tiger pummeled yet another ghoul from undeath to death, Lem continued his mental documentation of this place.  He believed this area to have once been dedicated to the sin of pride.  He wished he had brought a blank tome, or indeed anything he could use to write out his thoughts on this incredible place.

Turn 1
Lem - BoG
Shimmering Veils of Pride 
BoG - Auto-acquire
Discard BoG explore - Ghoul - Strength + Charmed Red Dragon + Valeros = D4+5+D4+4 = Auto-success = banished forever = recharge a card
Dragon roll - 10 = success
Haste explore - Fiery Weapon = auto-acquire = recharge a card
Recharge Haste = Success = recharge a card

So. BORED.  Valeros wiped the slimy fluids from his fists and reluctantly carried on after Lem, who was lost in thought as usual.

Turn 2
Valeros - BoDesna
Shimmering Veils of Pride
Deathbane Light Crossbow+1 = Dex = auto-fail
Discard BoTorag = explore - Trapped Spellbook - Intelligence + BoAbadar + Lem recharge = 3D6 + D4+3 = 17 = Success = D4 spells to hand = 3  = Swipe, Consecration, Enfeeble = Recharge a card

Lem inspected a nearby cauldron that was bubbling with some pungent mixture.  Of course he saw the twisted hag that leapt towards him, but he doubted she saw Valeros leaping in turn to intercept.  Satisfied that the concoction was nothing they could use, he moved on ignoring the audible sigh from Valeros.

Turn 3
Lem - BoErastil
Arrow catching studded leather - Fail
Discard Toad explore - Potion of Ruggedness - banish forever
Discard BoIrori explore - Troubadour - Banish forever
Discard BoGozreh explore - Hag - Divine = Fail = no attack spells 
Heavy Venomous Crossbow+2 + Fiery Weapon + Valeros = D8+D10+2+D4+D4+4 = 19 = Success = Recharge a card
Recharge Fiery Weapon = Success = Recharge a card

Just as Valeros was about to tell Lem that he was done with this place, a thunderous crash sounded from the next chamber.  Finally, maybe something interesting would happen.

He rounded the corner with Lem in tow.  There he saw a giant.  Maybe a member of the giant race, but definitely giant in size.  It was a female, and wielded a massive sword glowing with a purple energy that crackled down the blade.  Valeros almost laughed out loud.  His prayers had been answered.

He leapt towards the giant, attempting to drive his spear into it's heart.  He succeeded, but the giant didn't fall.  Instead, he found himself being batted across the room.  He landed on the floor with a thud that made Lem wince.

Turn 4
Valeros - BoIrori
Staff of Minor Healing - Lem 
Warrior of Wrath - both fail dex check = 1 fire damage to both
Lem recharge Hide Armor of Fire Resistance to reduce damage to 0
Impaler of Thorns + Lem recharge = D10+7+D8+2+D4+3 = 25 = Success = recharge a card
Location close check - fail - warrior of wrath is undefeated

Hopefully magic would prove more successful against this giant, he thought.  He loosed a massive bolt of lightning, using Valeros' spear as a lightning rod.  Electricity coursed through the giantess and she stumbled backward, dropping her blade and attempting to tear the spear free from her chest as she fell.  Convinced that she wasn't getting back up, Lem helped Valeros to his feet.

"The first...exciting thing...to happen in hours...and you're the one to kill it." Valeros wheezed in between breaths as Lem's tiger companion licked his face.

Turn 5
Lem - BoShelyn
Warrior of Wrath - Lightning Bolt + Saber Toothed Tiger + Valeros = D10+5+3D6+D6+D4+4 = 30 = Success = Recharge a card
Recharge Lightning Bolt = Fail
Wisdom + Valeros BoCalistria + BoAbadar = 3D6 = 18 = Success

Valeros considered taking the giant's sword, but it was too massive, even for him.  Disappointed, they carried onwards.  Lem started talking about this being the hall of wrath or some such.  Valeros couldn't care less.  He was looking for more giants.

Turn 6 
Valeros - BoDesna
Halls of Wrath
Dart = Banished forever

Fascinating.  If this was indeed the hall of wrath as he believed, what had happened to the lord of this wing of the well?  Lem wished he could have seen this place in its prime.  It would have been incredible.

Turn 7
Lem - Halls of Wrath
Tickwood Boar - Holy Light + Valeros = D10+5+2D6+D4+4 = Auto-kill
Recharge Holy Light = Success

Valeros considered taking a nap in the rubble that surrounded him and hoping that a monster would come along and try to eat him.  It sounded like a more preferable option than walking endlessly through these halls.

Turn 8 
Valeros - BoCalistria
Emerald Codex - Speed, Raise Dead, Cure
Cure - Lem = 3
Dagger = Banish forever

A scream shook Valeros from his reverie, and he raced to catch up to Lem.  He found him on the ground, with an ethereal being floating above him.  Lem's tiger was cowering in the corner, paws over it's eyes.  White flames engulfed Lem, and he writhed in agony.  Valeros charged the being, attempting to drive his weapon into it, but he simply passed through it.  He skidded to a halt on the other side of the thing, and turned to face it.

The translucent, malformed head twisted unnaturally to regard him.  Blank white eyes saw nothing, yet pierced his very soul.  It betrayed no emotion, but simply shimmered and disappeared, leaving Valeros and Lem alone once again.

Turn 9
Lem - BoTorag
Shining Child - Wand of Enervation - 6 - Strength + BoPharasma + Valeros = D4+D4+D4+4 = 15 = fail = 3 fire damage
Recharge Wand = Success

Valeros was shaken by the creature, but shook it off enough to help Lem up and tend his wounds.  They were blistering as though caused by burns.  Valeros shook his head slightly as he bandaged Lem up.  Whatever that thing was, he hoped he never had to see it again.

Turn 10
Valeros - BoShelyn
Shining Child - Mokmurian’s Club + Lem recharge = D10+7+D10+2+D4+3 = 29 = Success = recharge card from discard

A crash at the other end of the room announced the entry of a more mundane foe.  The pair were almost relieved to hear it.  Blasting the giant that had found them was almost cathartic for Lem.  He did have power capable of felling his enemies, just not...whatever that creature had been.

Turn 11
Lem - BoGorum
Stone Giant - Holy Light + Staff of Hungry Shadows + Valeros = D10+5+2D6+D8+2+D4+4 = 32 = Success = recharge a card from discard
Recharge Holy Light = Success

Valeros found a similar boost in confidence as he obliterated a shadow creature with his club.  Thankfully, the thing that had attacked before didn't look like it was coming back.

Turn 12
Valeros - BoG
Shadow - Mokmurian’s Club = D10+7+D10+2 = 19 = Success = recharge card from discard

Lem's relief turned confusion and pain as he found himself flying across the room.  Hitting the wall before falling to the floor, he tried to shake off the almost certain concussion and focus his vision so that he might see his attacker.

It was another giantess, almost identical to the first.  She had smashed right through the wall Lem had been standing next to, and she was not alone.  Humanoid warriors followed in her wake, charging towards the pair.

Turn 13
Lem - BoCalistria
Warrior of Wrath - fail dex check = 1 fire damage to both
Venomous Heavy Crossbow+2 + BoErastil + Valeros = D8+D10+2+2D8+D4+4 = 18 = Fail = Every Damage
D4 force to random character = Lem - no cards left to take damage

Valeros and the tiger waded into the waves of human warriors that assaulted them, felling them with ease.  Where these men had come from, and what magics had kept them here were questions that Valeros couldn't begin to answer.  He kept his focus on the battle at hand. Amidst the chaos he was relieved to see Lem standing once again.

Turn 14
Valeros - BoAbadar 
Warlord - Mokmurian’s Club = D10+7+D10+2 = 29 = Success = recharge card from discard

Lem blasted the giant with rays of frost.  Once frozen, he shattered her with a blast of force.  Just like that, the room was once again silent.

Turn 15
Lem - BoG
Warrior of Wrath - 1 fire damage to each
Lem recharges hide armor of fire resistance to reduce to 0
Frost Ray + recharge Tiger + Valeros = D10+5+2D6+D6+D4+4 = 27 = Success
Recharge Frost Ray = Success
Check to close - Knowledge + BoG = 2D6+4 = 13 = Success

This took them back to the place that they had entered: the halls of lust.  Well, with any luck, Lem's curiosity was now sated and they could find the exit, Valeros thought.

Turn 16
Valeros - BoCalistria
Iron Cages of Lust
BoG - auto-acquire
Discard BoG explore - Necromantic Deathtrap - fail - discard D4+1 cards = 5 = ouch

They had now visited all the points of the Sihedron rune, and Lem surmised that the exit could be found in the center.  Now he just had to figure out how to get there.

Turn 17
Lem - BoNorgorber
Iron Cages of Lust
Bugbear - Holy Light + Valeros = D10+5+2D6+D4+4 = Auto-kill = Banish forever
Recharge Holy Light = Fail

Lem explained his plan to Valeros, and Valeros couldn't be more pleased to hear it.  Now that they had a destination for exiting this place, nothing would stop him from finding it.  He just hoped there would be some good fights along the way.

Turn 18
Valeros - BoG
Wand of Treasure Finding - Wand of Scorching Ray, but more importantly, shuffle that stupid deathtrap back

Lem did his best to heal the both of them with divine prayer.  Not knowing what was waiting for them at the end of this place, he felt it best not to take any chances.

Turn 19
Lem - BoIomedae
Exchange Haste for Mass Cure
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 5
Valeros - 3
Recharge Mass Cure - Fail
Wand of Scorching Ray - Arcane = D10+5 = 12 = Success
Discard Merchant Explore - Wand of Force Missile - Banish Forever

They were nearing what Lem claimed was the central area of this place.  He hoped the halfling was right.  Even Lem seemed tired of these endless halls.

Turn 20
Valeros - BoSarenrae
Soldier - Banish Forever - Bury Grizzled Merc

Lem had used nearly every beneficial spell in the book, literally.  He hoped that it was enough.

Turn 21
Lem - BoTorag
Exchange Fiery Weapon for Mass Cure
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 2
Valeros - 4
Recharge Mass Cure - Fail
Necromantic Deathtrap - Arcane + BoGozreh + Valeros BoGorum = 3D10+5 = 21 = Success

They finally reached the end of the hall.  A dead end.  Valeros wasn't buying that for a second.  Though as he was considering this, he felt a familiar tug on his mind.  He gave a half-grin and shook his head.  When were these things ever going to learn?  He reached his hand right through the wall and closed his fist around the throat of whatever was on the other side.  Wrenching it through the illusory wall, he easily snapped the neck of the vile siren that had tried to take his mind from him.

"Well, there's your way out." he said as he tossed the body aside.

Turn 22
Valeros - BoDesna
Siren - Wisdom + Lem recharge + Lem BoErastil = D4+D4+3+D4 = 11 = Success = Banished forever

Before Lem could reply a vicious blade wreathed in flame shot through the wall, nearly taking Valeros' head off.  Fortunately, Lem's tiger knocked Valeros out of the way in the split second prior to the blade connecting.  Still, the flames had singed both him and the cat.

Lem wasted no time and blasted the illusory wall with lightning.  The shriek that sounded on the other side was confirmation enough that his magic had done its job.

Turn 23
Lem - BoG
Highlady Athroxis - 1 fire damage - Lightning Bolt + Valeros = D10+5+3D6+D4+4 = 34 = Success
1 fire damage
Sihedron Medallion to reduce that to 0
Recharge Lightning Bolt - Fail 
Recharge Medallion - Success
Close check - Diplomacy + Valeros BoCalistria = 2D10+7 = 19 = Success
Location Closed

Rising to his feet, Valeros patted the tiger on the head and scratched its mane.  "Thanks, pal."

He stepped cautiously through the illusory wall and into the hub of this place.  Before him, a female giant with a similarly huge flaming weapon lie on the ground, unmoving.  Behind her, a forge of sorts sat, with a towering statue overlooking it.

Turn 24
Valeros - BoG
Runeforge Hub

Lem soon joined him and gasped at what he saw.  "A runeforge!  I've read about these!  We can use these to imbue our weapons with th-"  He was cut short by the crunching sound of the statue in the room coming to life.

"YOU!" It boomed; the same voice that had come from the corpse of Mokmurian.  This must be Karzoug. "You have destroyed my lieutenants, desecrated my halls, and stolen my weapons.  Now you think to end me?  Please.  Come then.  Come to Xin-Shalast and meet your end, or die here and now for your transgressions, I care not!"

Turn 25
Lem - BoAbadar
Runeforge Hub

With that, the statue moved to attack them. Valeros felt it was fitting to shatter the statue with the club of Mokmurian.  The statue shattered upon impact with the great club, and shards flew in all directions.  Valeros hoped that the real Karzoug put up a better fight than that.

Turn 26
Valeros - BoG
Karzoug Statue - Mokmurian’s Club + Discard a card + Charmed Red Dragon + Wand of Enervation + BoPharasma + Lem Recharge = D10+7+D10+2+D10+5+D10+D4+3 = 43 = no need to roll for wand

"So, you were saying something about imbuing weapons?" Valeros said, turning to his companion.  Lem gave a mischievous grin in response.

Scenario Victory!
Reward - Runeforged Weapons
Adventure Deck Victory!
Reward - Card Feat
Lem - Item 
Valeros - Item  

Post-Game Analysis
The finale of Adventure Deck 5 means we only have five adventures left to go!  I do find it somewhat amusing that the most terrifying creature that the pair have come across was a normal monster in the form of the Shining Child.  Seriously, have you looked that thing up?  I have.

There were parts of this scenario where Lem was dangerously close to death.  Like, no cards left in his deck dangerous.  They both got pretty banged up, that's for sure.  Next up, our heroes face off against a yeti in the snow while being haunted by some ghosts that were once cannibals, not to be confused with cannibal ghosts.  See you then!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Cop and a Half Episode 30 - Thassilonian Sins

They wandered the myriad hallways for what felt like an eternity.  Lem and Valeros had both lost count of the times they had turned a corner or entered a room, only to find it was one they had already traversed.  Lem hated to admit it, but he was starting to lose hope that they would ever find their way out.

Male Halfling Bard Charlatan
Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing, Armor, Item
Skill Feats: Charisma +4, Intelligence +1
Power Feats: 
Light Armor proficiency 
Once per check, recharge a card to card to add 1D4+3 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or defeat a henchman
Starting Deck
Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2
Wand of Enervation
Sihedron Medallion
Staff of Heaven and Earth
Incendiary Cloud
Holy Light
Frost Ray
Lightning Bolt
Mass Cure
Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
Saber Toothed Tiger
BoPharasma x2

Valeros was itching for a fight, as usual.  Why did these monsters and masterminds insist on hiding away behind labyrinths and inane traps? Let's face it, it wasn't a winning strategy for them, historically speaking.

Male Human Fighter Weapon Master
 Card Feats: Weapon x2, Item, Blessing, Ally
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1
Power Feats: 
Hand Size 5
Add 1d4+4 to another character’s combat check at your location
You may use Melee in place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait
Starting Deck
Fanged Falchion
Dancing Scimitar+2
Impaler of Thorns
Longsword +2
Bastard Sword +1
Mokmurian’s Club
Magic Chain Mail
Magic Shield
Magic Half-Plate
Wand of Treasure Finding
Emerald Codex
Staff of Minor Healing
Grizzled Mercenary
Charmed Red Dragon

Lem rounded yet another corner in the maze of hallways, and found himself face to face with a horde of zombies.  Well, at least this was new.  He could hear Valeros breathe an audible sigh of relief as he unsheathed one of his many weapons.  Even their new tiger companion was itching for a fight.  Together, they dove into the mass of living corpses.  All too soon, for Valeros at least, their enemies were dispatched.

Turn 1
Lem - BoGozreh
Shimmering Veils of Pride
Restoration - Divine = D10+5 = 12 = Success = recharge a card
Restoration - Lem
Discard Merchant explore - Zombie Nest - Each character summons and encounters a zombie henchman
Lem - Holy Light + Valeros = D10+5+2D12+D4+4 = dead zombie = recharge a card
Valeros - Yep, dead zombie
Zombie Nest banished forever
Recharge Holy Light = Success = recharge a card
Discard Saber Toothed Tiger explore - Greatsword = auto-fail

Fortunately for him, the sound of their battle had roused other nearby abominations.  A zombie giant charged towards him, followed by what appeared to be a werewolf.  As expected, they were no match for Valeros' martial prowess.  He sincerely hoped there were some deadlier foes ahead, when he suddenly heard a noise coming from the next room.  It was laughter.

Marching into the next room, Valeros saw a rotund giant on a throne.  From it's chest sprouted tentacles of some kind.  Valeros didn't really want to think about it too much.

"So, you have defe..ACK" This, followed by a gargling sound, was the last the fat giant would ever make as Valeros caved in it's skull with his club.  He was done with the monologues these idiots tried to make.

Turn 2
Valeros - BoNorgorber
Shimmering Veils of Pride
Zombie Giant - Mokmurian’s club = D10+7+D10+2 = 19 = Success = recharge a card
Discard BoTorag explore - Jordimandus - summon and encounter a random monster
Werewolf - Mokmurian’s club = D10+7+D10+2 = 14 = Success = recharge card from discard and recharge a card from hand
Mokmurian’s club + Lem recharge + Wand of Enervation = D10+7+D10+2+D4+3 = 27 = no need to roll for wand
Recharge wand = Fail
Location Closed

"You know, I think I'm starting to figure this place out." Lem said as he inspected the throne room.

"Oh?" Valeros replied, wiping his club on giant's robes.

"Yeah.  So this guy, Karzoug, and the other Thassilonians, they are fueled by sin, right?  So, if this runewell is a source of his power, then maybe each of the sins is represented here.  Like, for example, that succubus?  Lust.  This guy? Sloth.  I don't know.  It makes as much sense as anything."

"Well, I hope you're right, because it means I have at least a few more people left to kill in this place."

Turn 3
Lem - BoNorgorber (these things come in packs, apparently)
Ravenous Crypts of Gluttony
Goblin Dog - Lightning Bolt = D10+5+3D6 = Auto-success = banished forever
Recharge lightning bolt = Success

They entered the next chamber and found another giant, resting on a pile of furs, surrounded by gems and gold.

"OK, so this is almost stereotypical at this point, but...Greed?" Valeros said calmly, visibly unimpressed at the slender giant.

Turn 4
Valeros - BoBorgorber (seriously?!)
Ravenous Crypts of Gluttony
BoGozreh - Fail
Emerald Codex - Consecration, Augury, Sanctuary
Augury - Villain - Ordikon on top of deck

"Yeah, I guess so." Lem fired a crossbow bolt before the giant could even speak, which lodged itself in the massive chest of the creature.

"Hah, you will need to do be..." His words were cut off by another bolt, this time through his mouth.

"Man, you seriously hit on something there with that whole 'cutting them off during their monologue' thing.  Why didn't we ever think of that before?" Lem asked while casually inspecting the treasure that surrounded the fallen giant.

Turn 5
Lem - BoLamashtu
Ordikon - Venomous Heavy Crossbow+2 + BoErastil + Valeros = D8+D10+2+2D8+D4+4 = 28
Roll to see if defeated - 1 - undefeated and immediately encountered again
 Discard Venomous Heavy Crossbow+2 + BoPharasma + Charmed Red Dragon + Valeros = D8+D10+2+D12+5+D4+4 = 27 = Success
Dragon roll - 3
Location closed

They continued onward, and soon found another of Delvahine's sisters, a succubus which was easily dispatched by Valeros.  At least they were finally making progress again, Valeros thought.

Turn 6
Valeros - BoG
Festering Maze of Sloth
Succubus - Reveal and recharge Fanged Falchion = D10+7+4D4+2= 24 = Success

They were both feeling confident at this point that their journey through these halls would be an easy one.  Lem let his guard down, and paid the price as a blade pierced him from behind.  He sucked in an involuntary breath, and immediately felt his lungs filling with blood.  He turned as he fell, spotting his assailant: a wretched zombie clad in black rags and wielding a wicked curved blade.  It flashed a grin full of sharp teeth as Lem fell.

Turn 7
Festering Maze of Sloth
Mass Cure - D4+1 to both
Lem - 5
Valeros - has no cards in discard
Recharge Mass Cure = Fail
Swipe - Divine = auto-success
Discard BoPharasma explore - Scrying - Arcane = D10+5 = 6 = Fail
Discard Toad explore - BoCalistria - Divine = Auto-success
Discard BoCalistria explore - Xyoddin Xerriock - Swipe + Valeros = D10+5+D8+D4+4 = 15 = Fail = 3 damage (-3 to difficulty then +2 for his ability)
Recharge Swipe - Fail

Valeros tried to charge the zombie, but it was incredibly fast, disappearing down the hallway in a flash.  Valeros considered chasing it, but Lem needed tending to.  The wound was serious, possibly fatal if he didn't receive aid.

Turn 8
Valeros - BoG
Thieves Tools - banish forever
Discard BoCalistria explore - Cryptic Message - Fail - banish
Discard Grizzled mercenary explore - Archer - banish forever 

Valeros helped Lem to his feet and did his best to staunch the bleeding.  Fortunately, Lem was able to sputter out the words of healing that he so desperately needed.  He was not fully healed, but well enough to continue.

Lem was angry, mostly at himself.  He had been through so much, and grown so powerful, that it was almost an embarrassment to be so injured by a zombie of all things.  Following the path the zombie had taken, he saw more of the things brethren. Lem punched one of the zombies, and bile exploded from the thing's chest cavity, splashing onto Lem and Valeros both.

OK, that was it, Lem thought. No more Mr. Nice Halfling.  He blasted the room with frost and shattered each zombie, including the one that had stabbed him, one at a time.

Turn 9
Lem - BoDesna
Plague Zombie - Strength + Valeros + Recharge Saber Toothed Tiger = D4+D4+4+D6 = 9 = Fail = 2 damage
Recharge Hide Armor of Fire Resistance to reduce to 0
Banish zombie and each character makes a constitution check
Lem D6 = 2 = Fail = 1 acid damage
Valeros D8+1 = 5 = Fail 2 acid damage
Haste explore - Xyoddin - Frost Ray + Valeros = D10+5 + 2D6 + D4+4 = 24 = Success
Recharge Haste = Fail
Recharge Frost Ray = Success
Constitution Check to Close Location + BoGozreh = 3D6 = 8 = Fail

Valeros let his friend do what he needed to do while he moved on.  He came to a room where yet another giant sat upon an opulent throne.  In keeping with their new strategy of simply killing everything before it could speak, he charged and broke as many of the giant's bones as he could.  Satisfied, he returned to his partner.

Turn 10
Valeros - BoSarenrae
Vault of Greed
Goblin Warrior - Come on, so dead = Banished forever
Discard BoGorum explore - Azaven - Con check + Lem BoErastil = 2D8+1 = 6 = Fail = D4+1 cards from Deck discarded = 5
Mokmurian’s Club + Dancing Scimitar + Lem BoPharasma = D10+7+D10+2+D6+2+D10 = 31 = Success 

"All right, so we've got greed, gluttony, sloth, lust...where are the others?" Valeros asked his friend, who had his hands on his knees, panting from his exertion in punching every zombie in the room to pieces.

"Hmm...maybe they died already?  I guess we'll find out."

Scenario Victory!
Reward - Staff of Hungry Shadows, Summon Monster, Ordikon’s Staff

Post-Game Analysis
That was a really quick one.  It was nice to not have to chase the villains around for a change.  Kill and move on, just the way Valeros likes it.  Not much really happened this time around, and even the loot at the end was sub-par.  The only one I kept was the staff of hungry shadows, and even then I can't make the damn thing work for me.  Ah well, got another episode coming tomorrow, so stay tuned!