Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Cop and a Half: Episode 25 - Beneath the Fist

After a short rest on the mountain peak, Lem and Valeros ventured back towards the obsidian tower. It was clear that the text that Valeros had retrieved from the mummy was infused with incredibly potent magic. It was comprised of Divine texts devoted to the Peacock Spirit, etched into a thick hide of some sort. They would need to examine them more closely once they were inside the tower.

Male Halfling Bard Charlatan
Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing, Armor
Skill Feats: Charisma +4
Power Feats:
Light Armor proficiency
Once per check, recharge a card to card to add 1D4+2 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or defeat a henchman
Starting Deck
Heavy Crossbow
Wand of Enervation
Sihedron Medallion
Toxic Cloud
Holy Light
Frost Ray
Lightning Bolt
Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
BoPharasma x2

Their journey to the tower was uneventful. It seemed the remaining harpies surrounding the tower had dispersed at the death of their leader. That suited Valeros just fine. As much fun as it was to throw weapons at them, they didn't represent much of a challenge.

Male Human Fighter Weapon Master
Card Feats: Weapon, Item, Blessing, Ally
Skill Feats: Strength +4
Power Feats:
Hand Size 5
Add 1d4+3 to another character’s combat check at your location
You may use Melee in place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait
Starting Deck
Icy Longspear+1
Heavy Pick +1
Impaler of Thorns
Shock Longbow+1
War Razor +1
Magic Chain Mail
Magic Shield
Magic Half-Plate
Holy Candle
Emerald Codex
Staff of Minor Healing
Grizzled Mercenary
Tamed Red Dragon
Blessing of Gorum
BoTorag x2

Upon reaching the throne room where they had encountered the mummy previously, the pair decided to follow the path where the undead creature had emerged from. It led them to a steep, winding staircase that led down to a musty and foul-smelling lair beneath the tower.

Turn 1
Lem – BoGorum
Giant Lair
Mace – Banish forever
Discard Toad explore – Ring of Protection – Constitution – D6 = 2 = Fail

A slight flicker of movement behind him was the only warning Valeros had before being pounced upon by a hideous monster. the upper body was that of a woman but the lower, the part which now attempted to pin Valeros down, was that of a lion. It was a lamia, a creature that Valeros had heard of but never seen.

Valeros struggled against the oppressive size and weight of the creature, straining to reach his spear. Lem was also readying a spell that would save his friend without hurting him in the blast. At last, Valeros' hand wrapped around the familiar shaft of his longspear. freeing it, he drove it into the underbelly of the beast even as it swiped at his face. As he drove the creature back, Lem was able to let loose with his magic. It was all over in a matter of seconds, and the pair stood victorious over the misshapen creature.

Valeros wiped some of the blood from the scratches on his face. "Well, good to know we're not alone down here." he muttered before moving onward into the darkness that stretched out before them.

Turn 2
Valeros – BoG
Giant Lair
Zaelsar – Icy Longspeaar + BoTorag + Lem recharge = D10+7+D8+1+2D10+D4+2 = 30 = Success
Zaelsar placed next to scenario card
Location closed

As they moved deeper into the bowels of the tower, the area took on a more functional appearance. This appeared to be a garrison of some sort, most likely for the army of giants that had been assembled here. A slew of poor-quality weapons and armor lay discarded on the stone floor. They walked through the foul rooms, wary for any sign of ambush.

Turn 3
Lem – BoPharasma
Dagger – banish forever
Discard BoAbadar explore – Longsword – Banished forever

Their caution was not unwarranted. As they stepped into one of the rooms, they were attacked from both sides by humans. It was likely that they were mercenaries, hired by the giants. They must have taken their money and hidden in the tower, perhaps hoping to plunder it while the army was away. Lem and Valeros happily gave them as much magic and steel as they could take, dropping the pair of mercenaries with ease.

Turn 4
Valeros – BoG
Mercenary – location makes both characters fight him
Lem – Holy Light + Valeros = D10+5+2D6+D4+3 = 18 = Success
Valeros – Icy Spear = D10+7+D8+1 = 11 = Fail
Recharge Spear = 14 = Success
Recharge holy light = Success

Even as they finished off the mercenaries, they were accosted by more foul creatures. This time, it was satyrs, nasty goat-men that seemed to fit in with the theme of hideous hybrid monsters that this tower continued to present. They were too agile for Lem to hit, but Valeros was quick to help his partner. He managed to outmaneuver the satyrs and finish them off before they could hurt the halfling too badly.

Turn 5
Lem – BoDesna
Satyr – Location – each character fights it
Lem - Dex + BoErastil = 2D8 = 7 = Fail = 2 damage
Valeros – Dex + Lem recharge = D8+D4+2 = 9 = Success

Helping his partner up, Valeros pursed his lips before speaking, "Lem, we're getting nowhere down here. Who knows how long these tunnels go on for. Look, you know I love killing things as much as anyone, but I don't want to spend my life under this accursed tower."

"Good, me either," the halfling replied. "Maybe we should stop for a sec and see what that magic scroll thing has to offer? I can look at it, if you like."

"No, no. You're always the one who reads these things. I think it's time I joined the ranks of the literate myself. Where better to start then the hide of some horrible monster that's covered in ancient chicken scratch?" Valeros grumbled, only half-joking.

And so they sat, Lem helping him with the big words. Eventually, they were able to decipher the script, which was part holy scripture, and part divine spells and prayers. Valeros hoped to use some of them to assist their exploration of this place. If nothing else, it was interesting to wield something other than steel in his hands.

Turn 6
Valeros – BoG
Bury Emerald Codex – Detect Evil, Find Traps, Cure
Lem Cure – 5
Recharge Cure = Fail
Short Sword – Banish forever
Detect Evil – Standard Bearer
Discard BoTorag explore – Standard Bearer – Banish forever

Lem swelled with pride in his companions more scholarly pursuits. Maybe he would finally have someone to talk spells with! The thought excited him so much, that he almost didn't notice the grotesque creature that was lumbering towards them. It appeared to be aquatic, and what it was doing under this tower was impossible to guess. Nevertheless, a quick crossbow bolt and swipe of Valeros' scythe was enough to put it out of it's misery.

Turn 7
Lem – BoG
Arrow catching studded leather – Con 7 – auto-fail
Discard BoPharasma explore – Bunyip – Location each character encounters it
Lem – Fail wisdom check – Heavy Crossbow + Valeros = D8+D10+D4+3 = 10 = Success
Valeros – Scythe+1 = D10+7+2D4+1 = 18 = Success

After a few more satyrs and an hour of walking through giant litter, they found the exit from the garrison. Another staircase lay at the end of the hall, leading to an even deeper region under the tower. Unfortunately, guarding the entrance was an extremely large giant, even by giant standards. The thing had to hunch over just to fit inside the stone chamber. Fortunately for the pair, it was fast asleep. Valeros turned to his companion.

"Don't worry, I got this." he whispered as he held his scythe at the ready. Only moments later, the path downward was free of obstruction.

Turn 8
Valeros – BoG
Satyr – Each character encounters it
Valeros – Dex + BoTorag + Lem recharge = D8+D8+D4+2 = 17 = Success = Banished forever
Lem – Dex + BoGozreh = 2D8 = 3 = Fail = 6 damage
Valeros Cure Lem – 5
Discard Grizzled Merc explore – Lokansir – Fail Arcane/Divine check – no spells (darn!)
Reveal and recharge Scythe+1 + BoAbadar = D10+7+D10+2D4+1+D4 = 36 = Success
Close location check – Strength + BoTorag = 3D10+4 = 17 = Success = Location closed
Half Plate stays there

The path downward was dimly lit, but they managed to descend it without issue. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Lem quickly realized that this level must be the source of the foulness they had smelled since entering the tower. He held his nose and continued towards the source.

Turn 9
Lem – BoErastil
Thassilonian Dungeon

In contrast, Valeros was untroubled by the smell. It was foul, yes, but when you spent countless days on the battlefield, that kind of nauseating smell became familiar enough to ignore. He simply lit a candle and carried onward.

Turn 10
Valeros – BoAbadar
Battered Chest – Melee – Auto-success = 4 random items = Potion of Vision, Crowbar, Caltrops, Potion of Healing
Holy Candle – 6
Discard BoAbadar explore – Potion of Energy Resistance – Intelligence = D6 = 3 = Fail
Discard BoTorag explore – Sanctuary – banish forever
Drink potion of healing – 3

From some unseen corner of the dungeon, a high-pitched wailing came. Lem ran towards the sound as quickly as he could, worrying that the noise would alert other denizens of this place to their presence. His torchlight showed the source of the disturbance: a goblin, screaming at the top of it's lungs and running away from the pair at top speed. Lem managed to tackle the nuisance and strangle the life from it, but the damage was done. All of the horrors this place held would soon be upon them.

Turn 11
Lem – BoShelyn
Goblin Warchanter – Wisdom check +BoIrori = 2D6 = 7 = fail
Strength + Valeros = D4+D4+3 = 9 = Success
Haste explore (location – draw a card) – Consecration – Divine = 12 = Success
Recharge Haste = Success
Discard BoAbadar explore – Throwing axe – Dex = D8 = 3 = Fail

"Come on, we need to make this quick!" Lem shouted, running past his companion, who was still perched atop the fallen goblin.

"Right behind you!" Lem cried, scrambling after the human.

Valeros sprinted down the stone hallway. Near the end of his vision, he saw a small form also running, directly towards him. It was a kobold, wielding a spear that was pointed directly at Valeros. He smiled, readying his own spear, not slowing his pace. The two met with a thunderous clash in the narrow hallway. The human's size and strength easily overpowered the small lizardfolk, and Valeros' spear lifted the creature from the ground. Valeros didn't even slow his pace.

Turn 12
Valeros – BoG
Enga Keckvia – Impaler of Thorns + Lem recharge = D10+7+D8+2+D4+2 = 23 = Success
Close location check – Int + Lem recharge = D6+D4+2 = 7 = Success = Location closed

The debris lining the walls around them didn't impede their progress. Lem nimbly vaulted over anything too large for him to simply move around. He hoped the end of this place was close.

Turn 13
Lem – BoGorum
Desecrated Vault
Codex = Banish forever

Valeros also had little regard for the refuse that littered this place. Unlike his smaller companion, however, Valeros merely smashed his way through it. He could help but show a grim smile as he did so.

Turn 14
Valeros – Desecrated Vault
Battered Chest – melee = auto-success = 4 items from the box = 2X Potion of Ruggedness, Wand of Force Missile, Wand of Shield

Lem slowed only to take potshots at the small creatures that scurried in the darkness at the edges of his peripheral. Even if he didn't hit anything with his crossbow, at least his shots kept whatever lurked out there at bay.

Turn 15
Lem – BoG
Goblin Cutpurse – Perception check – Valeros uses potion of vision which is then banished forever = Success
Heavy Crossbow + Valeros = D8+D10+D4+3 = 15 = Banished forever
Discard BoGozreh explore – Cape of Escape – D8 = 1 = Fail

Valeros skidded to a halt, and his companion did the same only moments later. They had reached a chamber, perhaps the end of this place. Within it, another lion-woman waited for them. It's cat-like eyes narrowed as they approached.

"Sister, someone has come to play with us." it purred. It then regarded Valeros, looking him up and down. "You may have murdered her, but the magic in this place is strong."

As she said this, another came into view. This one was familiar, though mangled. It was the same creature that Valeros had killed earlier, brought back to life through whatever evil gave this place strength. Valeros tilted his head towards his companion, not taking his eyes from the pair of creatures before him.

"You take the dead one, I'll take the new one."


The inhabitants of the room sprang into action. Lem weaved an arcane pattern with his small hands, which began to produce a greenish mist. Though harmless to his allies, the lamia began to choke within the cloud. Valeros took the opportunity to drive his spear into the fresh lamia, while Lem leveled a wand at the other. Following the blast of his wand, Lem shot a ray of frost that froze the creature solid. He then calmly walked towards it and kicked it, sending icy chunks in a satisfying spray.

Afterward, they burned the bodies, not willing to risk whatever resurrection magics might be at work in the tower. They were still troubled, though. There must be a way even farther down, as they had not yet seen the mastermind behind this sinister plot. Mokmurian.

Turn 16
Valeros – BoG
BoIrori – Intelligence + Lem recharge = D6+D4+2 = 8 = Success
Discard BoIrori explore – Seleval
Lem Poison cloud + Impaler of Thorns + Lem recharge = D6+D10+7+D8+1+D4+2 = 26 = Success
Zaelsar appears – Lem – Wand of Enervation - -8 to combat check
Lem - Poison Cloud + Frost Ray + Valeros = D6+D10+5+2D6+D4+3 = 30 = Success

Scenario victory!

Reward – Skill Feat
Lem – Intelligence
Valeros - Constitution

Post-Game Analysis

This was a pretty straightforward adventure. I was fortunate that I didn't have to dig too far into any of the decks to close the locations, and I was very relieved that the location effects weren't as annoying as the previous scenario. I found an absolute ton of items this time, and all of them were garbage. Like, I realize that about 99% of items in this campaign are garbage, but maaaaaan, those were garbage. The only fortunate thing was being able to banish some of them.

I recently ordered and received the rest of this campaign, and have already shuffled AD5 into the various decks. I have played through this campaign in its entirety before, but with a friends copy. On a side note, I also picked up all of the Pathfinder Iconic Miniatures, so I have all those promos. I don't think I will mix any of them into this particular run, but perhaps in the sequel :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Cop and a Half: Episode 24 - The Biggest, Blackest Tower

The pair descended the slopes toward the valley as cautiously as they could.  Jagged rocks and other natural hazards rose to meet them at every turn.  All the while, they tried to keep tabs on the flying creatures above and the giants below.  Soon, there would be no place to hide.  The black tower that dominated the landscape loomed ever-closer.  Lem hoped they were ready for whatever lay within.

Male Halfling Bard Charlatan
Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing, Armor
Skill Feats: Charisma +4
Power Feats: 
Light Armor proficiency 
Once per check, recharge a card to card to add 1D4+2 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or defeat a henchman
Starting Deck
Heavy Crossbow
Wand of Enervation
Sihedron Medallion
Toxic Cloud
Holy Light
Frost Ray
Lightning Bolt
Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
BoPharasma x2

Valeros, on the other hand, couldn't wait to get down to business.  He was most at home when he knew where his enemies were, and had a clear path to victory.  This was going to be the best day he'd had in a while.

Male Human Fighter Weapon Master
 Card Feats: Weapon, Item, Blessing, Ally
Skill Feats: Strength +4
Power Feats: 
Hand Size 5
Add 1d4+3 to another character’s combat check at your location
You may use Melee in place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait
Starting Deck
Icy Longspear+1
Impaler of Thorns
Shock Longbow+1
War Razor +1
Magic Chain Mail
Magic Shield
Magic Half-Plate
Holy Candle
Belt of Giant Strength
Staff of Minor Healing
Grizzled Mercenary
Charmed Red Dragon
Blessing of Gorum
BoTorag x2

As they neared the valley floor, a few things became more clear to Lem:  First, the slope sucked, and rocks sucked.  Everything sucked.  Second, those creatures circling overhead were actually harpies; creatures that Lem had only read about.  When this was over, he would write a new book that aptly described how horrible their half-human, half-bird features looked.  Finally, getting past the giants would be easier than he thought.  What few giants had remained here after the assault on Sandpoint were packing up and moving out of the valley.  Whether they were dispersing, or simply regrouping elsewhere, was impossible to tell.

Turn 1
Lem – BoG
Mountain Peak
Location – Wisdom 7 check – Fail – Bury Burglar
Slashing Blade – Dex+Discard BoAbadar = 3D8 = 16 = Success
Discard BoIrori explore – Magic Shield – Constitution = D6 = 1 = Fail 

Valeros was truly disappointed to see the giants leaving the valley.  He sighed to himself and turned his attention skyward.  Looked like he would just have to kill something else instead.  He put a hand to his mouth and whistled sharply.  Lem nearly broke his own neck he turned so sharply to his companion.

"What the hell are you doing?!"
"Easing my boredom.  Don't worry about it.  Go read a book somewhere."

One of the many harpies above dove down to meet Valeros, her hideous talons extended.  Valeros casually rolled to the side and came up with his longspear at the ready.  Clearly these harpies were lovers, not fighters.  Valeros was almost disappointed in how easy it was to dispatch the monstrous hybrid.  Wrenching his spear free from the carcass, he sighed again and continued onward.  This tower had better be more challenging.

Turn 2
Valeros – BoG
Mountain Peak
Location – Wisdom 7 check – Wisdom + Lem Rechage = D4+D4+2 = 10 = Success
Harpy Monk – Wisdom 8 check
Lem – Fail
Valeros – Wisdom + Lem recharge + Discard BoTorag = 3D4+2 = 12 = Success
Icy Longspear+1 + Lem Recharge = D10+7+D8+1+D4+2 = 22 = Success
Close location check – Wisdom 6 – Wisdom + Lem recharge = D4+D4+2 = 5 = Fail

Lem had almost forgotten how reckless Valeros could be at times.  He simply shook his head and continued onward.  They were nearly to the outskirts of the tower now, and Lem saw several guard towers surrounding it.  Many of them were unmanned, but he knew they couldn't possibly be that fortunate.

Turn 3
Lem – BoPharasma
Location – Wisdom 7 check – Bury Toxic Cloud
Guard Tower

Valeros, too, saw the guard towers.  He broke off into a jog and climbed the nearest one.  Even if there was no enemy to be found up there, at least he would gain a better vantage point, which might allow him to find something worth killing.  Upon reaching the top of the tower, he was once again disappointed.  Only a giant's corpse awaited him there, rotting and stinking even worse than a giant's typical odor.  He turned away, prepared to descend, when he saw the giant body start to move.  His disappointment turned to momentary glee as he thrust his spear into the undead giant's skull with a satisfying *schluck* sound.  Well, at least the climb wasn't for nothing.

Turn 4
Valeros – BoLamashtu
Location – Wisdom 7 check – Bury charmed red dragon
Guard Tower
Zombie Giant – Icy Longspear+1 = D10+7+D8+1 = 12 = Fail = Recharge Longspear = 22 = Success
Discard BoGorum explore – Magic Leather Armor – Constitution = D8 = 7 = Success

Lem considered climbing the guard tower himself, weighing his options between staying on the ground by himself and involving himself in whatever trouble Valeros would no doubt stir up.  His reverie was interrupted, though, by a loud screeching coming from above.  Looks like that harpy they had killed had a friend after all.  Lem leveled his crossbow and fired at the grotesque creature, not even bothering to watch it crash to the ground behind him as he turned and called up to Valeros.

"Come on, hero, there will be plenty more things to kill inside that tower.  As much as I love bird hunting, I know you want more challenging enemies than this."

His keen halfling ears heard a begrudging grunt of acknowledgement from above.  Satisfied, Lem continued towards the great obsidian tower.

Turn 5
Lem – BoG
Location – encounter bandit henchman – recharge Acolyte – Heavy Crossbow + Valeros = D8+D10+D4+3 = Success
Sage’s Journal – Banished forever 
Discard Toad Explore – Harpy Monk – Wisdom 8 check
Lem – Wand of Enervation - -6 to check – D6 = 5 = Success
Valeros – Fail
Heavy Crossbow + BoErastil + Valeros = D8+D10+2D8+D4+3 = 24 = Success 
Recharge Wand = Success
Location close check = Strength + Valeros BoTorag = 3D4 = 7 = Success

The pair reached the courtyard surrounding the enormous tower.  Valeros kicked another giant corpse, hoping for another zombie to kill.  Instead, he disturbed a rat's nest, and they poured out of their home in the rib cage.

"Oh, come on!" Lem cried from behind him.

Valeros used his best dancing moves to try and stomp the rats as they swarmed over him, but it was no use.  They bit and clawed him until he reluctantly began rolling on the ground to crush them all.

"OK, now that's just gross, man."  Lem said, shaking his head in disappointment. "I'm not coming anywhere near you until you take a bath after that.  You also probably have even more diseases than before, now."

Turn 6
Valeros – BoLamashtu
Rat Swarm – Location Acrobatics 8 check – Fail = 1D4 damage = 2 damage
Reveal and recharge War Razor = D10+7 + D4+1 + 2D4 = 19 = Success

The rest of the courtyard was largely filled with trash and refuse.  Typical of giants, really.

Turn 7
Lem – BoLamashtu
Eyes of the Eagle – Wisdom = D6 = 1 = Fail
Discard BoPharasma explore – Potion of Glibness – Banished forever

Valeros did manage to find a decent looking heavy pick embedded in the skull of another giant they came across.  He chuckled as the giant twitched when he removed it.

Turn 8 
Valeros – BoIomedae
Heavy Pick +1 – Melee = D10+7 = 17 = Success
Staff of Minor Healing – Lem

Lem shot at another scurrying animal as they neared the doors.  He hoped that they would be able to open them.  They looked extremely large and heavy, made of the same obsidian substance as the rest of the tower.

Turn 9
Lem – BoG
Starknife – Dexterity – D8 = 8  = Success
Haste Explore – Goblin Dog – Location Dex 8 check = D8 = 7 = Fail = D4 Damage = 2 = Sihedron Medallion discard
Recharge Haste = Success
Sihedron Medallion recharge = Success
Heavy Crossbow + Valeros + Discard Starknife = D8+D10+D4+2 = 12 = Success = Banished forever 
Cure – Lem – 2
Recharge Cure = Success
Discard BoGozreh Explore – Magic Leather Armor – Constitution = D6 = 3 = Success

Valeros saw another harpy above them as they walked.  He looked down at the pick he had just retrieved.  Hmmm, he thought, I wonder if I could...

He threw the pick as hard as he could at the creature, and pumped his fist in the air as it connected, with both pick and harpy coming down in a great heap nearby.

"OK," Lem said, "I have to admit, that was pretty awesome."

Turn 10
Valeros – BoPharasma
Harpy Monk – Wisdom 8 Check
Lem – Fail
Valeros – Wisdom + Lem Recharge + Lem Recharge BoPharasma = D4+D4+D4+2 = 8 = Success
Location – Dexterity 8 check – Fail – D4 Damage = 1 = Recharge Magic Chain Mail
Reveal and recharge Heavy Pick +1  = D10+7+D6+1+D6 = 18 = Success
Location Close check = Dexterity + Lem recharge = D8+D4+2 = 6 = Fail

Finally, they reached the doors.  To Lem's surprise, they opened as the pair approached.  Well, at least he didn't have to worry about opening them, he thought.  Still, this was quite ominous.  They wandered cavernous halls which were devoid of any activity.  Finally, they stumbled into what appeared to be a throne room.  On the throne sat a bugbear, fast asleep.  Lem cleared his throat loudly, and the bugbear shot up with a start.

"Yes sir, I was just cleaning your throne, sir!" it roared, still half-asleep.

Lem just pursed his lips and shook his head.  This was just sad.  He fired his crossbow and then began looking around the large room.  The walls were lined with all manner of scrolls and tomes.  He hoped Valeros let him stay here a while to examine them.

Turn 11
Lem – BoG
Throne Room
Bugbear – Heavy Crossbow = D8+D10 = 18 = Success
Discard Haste Explore – Glibness – Choose to fail 
Recharge Haste = Success

Valeros walked around the room as well, casually looking over the papers.  He was far from interested, but was simply biding his time until this master the bugbear served showed his face.

Turn 12
Valeros – BoG
Throne Room
Sleep – Choose to fail – Banished forever
Holy Candle – 1

Most of the tomes contained here were either illegible, rotted, or otherwise useless.  Lem sighed, of course they wouldn't find anything useful.  It was just their luck.

Turn 13
Lem – BoG
Potion of Ghostly Form – Intelligence – D6 = 2 = Fail
Discard BoIrori explore – Elven Chain Shirt – Constitution – D6 = 5 = Fail

Valeros was getting bored now.  Very bored.  If this guy didn't show up soon, he was going to have to go looking for him.  Every moment spent here would make that encounter worse for whoever was running this place.

Turn 14
Valeros – BoG
Token of Rememberance – Intelligence – D6 = 3 = Fail

"Steve, when I enter this room, that throne had better be spotless.  And I swear, if I find you asleep again, you are going to suffer a fate worse than death."  A voice rasped from a nearby hall.  It sounded old, wheezing, but with a certain erudite quality, Lem mused.  All the same, he readied a spell and crouched watching the direction that the voice had come from.  Valeros, too, was lying in wait.  Lem caught his attention and Lem pointed to his other hand.  Valeros frowned, and reluctantly nodded.

As soon as the figure entered the throne room, Lem shot lightning from his fingertips at it.  The being shrieked in pain as lighting coursed through it.  Amid the flashes of light, Lem squinted to make out the form.  It was clearly an undead being of some sort, wrapped in burial linens, and clutching a scroll.  It turned and fled.

"Oh, HELL no!" Valeros shouted, and chased after it.

Turn 15
Lem – BoSarenrae
The Black Monk – Both choose to fail the Con check – Checks are +4 this turn
Wand of Enervation - -5 to combat check
Lightning Bolt + Valeros = D10+5 + 3D6 + D4+3 = 31 = Success = Location closed
Recharge Wand = Success
Recharge Lightning Bolt = Fail

Valeros sprinted, hot on the creature's trail.  It was surprisingly fast for an undead creature.  Even as Valeros closed on it, he could see the mummy conjuring spirits to block his path.  Valeros hardly slowed, using his trusty scythe to reap the spirits as death had once upon a time.

Turn 16
Valeros – BoDesna
Location – Recharge item to draw card
BoGorum – Strength – Success
Discard Grizzled Mercenary Explore – Ghost – Reveal and recharge Scythe+1 = D10+7+2D4+1+D4 = 21 = Success
Discard BoGorum explore – Chain Mail – Banished forever

Lem took a half-second to lament that he would have to leave so many texts here, but quickly chased after his companion.  Again reaching the courtyard, he took a moment to listen for the sounds of chaos which would surely lead him to Valeros.

Turn 17
Lem – BoG
Arcane Armor – Banish forever
Location out of cards – Close check – Dexterity + BoPharasma + BoErastil = 3D8 = 17 = Success = Location closed

Valeros' legs burned as he sprinted back up the treacherous mountainside.  Every step he took would exponentially increase the pain he was planning to inflict on this damned mummy.

Turn 18
Valeros – BoCalistria
Mountain Peak
Acid Arrow – Fail
Lem Cure – 2 
Cure Recharge = Success

Lem was having a much harder time climbing back up the mountain.  Birds, undead, everything that could happen upon him seemed to.  Being friends with Valeros was probably the biggest occupational hazard of all time, he thought.  He shot his crossbow, expended precious spells.  Things died around him, but he had no time to appreciate it as he chased that long-legged bastard up the cliffs.

Turn 19
Lem – BoIomedae
Mountain Peak
Carrionstorm – Frost Ray + Valeros – D10+5+2D6+D4+3 = 16 = Success
Recharge Frost Ray = Fail
Haste Explore -  Faceless Stalker – Fail wisdom check - Difficulty +2
Wand of Enervation - -8 to check 
Heavy Crossbow + Valeros = D8+D10+D4+3 = 12 = Success
Recharge Haste = Success
Recharge Wand = Success

"Traps?!  Are you serious right now?" Valeros growled as a great blade nearly took his hand off as he climbed a sheer rock face.  Oh this mummy was going to die, then he would ask Lem to resurrect it, just so he could kill it again.

Turn 20 
Valeros – BoTorag
Location – Wisdom + Lem recharge = D4+D4+2 = 7 = Success
Hand Chopper – Dexterity + Lem Recharge + Lem BoErastil = D8+D4+2+D8 = 11 = Fail
Bury card from top of Deck and recharge magic leather armor to avoid the 1 damage

Lem felt like he was going to throw up.  Since he met Valeros, you could say that he had been conditioning his body for moments like this, but he had run miles now, uphill, killing mons- He shot holy light at another ogre that leapt out at him.  Where was he? Right.  Monsters that came out of freaking nowhere.  Meanwhile, his partner somehow went up the same paths completely unmolested.  That lucky jerk.

Turn 21
Lem – BoIrori
Location – Bury Sihedron Medallion
Ogre – Holy Light + Valeros = D10+5+2D6+D4+3 = 26 = Success
Recharge Holy Light = Success

Alright, enough of this.  That mummy must have been a marathon sprinter in his past life.  Well, Valeros was a marksman in his.  He pulled out his longbow and fired up the cliffside.  Casually, he stepped to the side, and the husk of the mummy rolled down to his feet.  He really wanted a face-to-face confrontation, but oh well.  At least he managed to take him out.  He leaned over and ripped the glowing green scroll from the already stiffened hands of the undead monster.  This must be important.  Maybe it was time to take up more scholarly pursuits...

Turn 22
Valeros – BoShelyn
Location – Wisdom + Lem recharge = 2D4+2 = 7 = Success
Lem Cure – 3
Recharge Cure – Success
Valeros Staff of Minor Healing – Valeros 
The Black Monk – Both fail Con Check - +4 to difficulty
Reveal and recharge Shock Longbow (Dexterity) + Lem recharge + Lem BoErastil + Lem BoPharasma = D8+D8+1+D10+D4+2+2D8 = 32 = Success 

Scenario Victory!
Reward = Emerald Codex Loot

Post-Game Analysis

This scenario seriously has all my least-favorite locations.  I hated all of them.  Sometimes, I'm a bit Valeros myself when I play this, and this was definitely one of those times.  Still, we succeeded.  Yes, that's a Cards Against Humanity reference in the title.

Will Valeros take up reading?  Will Lem ever catch up to him on the mountain?  Tune in next time to find out!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Cop and a Half: Episode 23 - The Path to Jorgenfist

Lem yawned and stretched before rising from his cot in his room in The Rusty Dragon.  He felt like he had been asleep for a year or more.  He was exhausted from splitting his time between studying all the texts he could find on the Thassilonians and healing Valeros, who had taken to taming a red dragon that was captured in the raid on Sandpoint only a few short weeks ago.  Today was the day, though, they were off to track down the retreating giants and find their leader, Mokmurian.

Male Halfling Bard Charlatan
Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing
Skill Feats: Charisma +4
Power Feats: 
Light Armor proficiency 
Once per check, recharge a card to card to add 1D4+2 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or defeat a henchman
Starting Deck
Heavy Crossbow
Wand of Enervation
Sihedron Medallion
Toxic Cloud
Holy Light
Frost Ray
Lightning Bolt
BoPharasma x2

He left the inn, squinting at the early morning sunlight, and went to join his partner.  He found Valeros in the makeshift cage they had constructed for the red dragon.  Valeros was truly fearless, and probably a bit crazy, to try and tame this beast.  Still, Lem couldn't argue with the fact that they could use it to cover an incredible amount of ground in a short time.  Considering that the giants had had weeks of time to retreat, Lem hoped they would still be able to track them.

Male Human Fighter Weapon Master
 Card Feats: Weapon, Item, Blessing
Skill Feats: Strength +4
Power Feats: 
Hand Size 5
Add 1d4+3 to another character’s combat check at your location
You may use Melee in place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait
Starting Deck
Icy Longspear+1
Impaler of Thorns
Shock Longbow+1
War Razor +1
Magic Chain Mail
Magic Shield
Magic Half-Plate
Holy Candle
Belt of Giant Strength
Staff of Minor Healing
Grizzled Mercenary
Blessing of Gorum
BoTorag x2

Lem stopped just short of the massive cage door, and nodded to Valeros.  He saw that the massive red dragon was sleeping, and breathed a small sigh of relief.  Valeros said nothing, but waved him in.  Lem slipped between the widely-spaced bars of the cage and approached as cautiously as he could.
"Morning.  I've packed everything I think we might need for the trip.  You ready?" Lem spoke in a half-whisper, desperately trying not to wake the dragon.
Valeros nodded again, and approached the dragon.
"Wake up Smog!  Time to go!"  He yelled, completely unfazed by the massive beast.  The dragon woke with a start, it's massive head rearing back on a long scaled neck.
"Smog?  Seriously?  That sound so...plain.  Maybe something like Smaug, or Smaugue."
Valeros ignored him and raised his hand towards the beast as he approached.  He turned to look at Lem and nodded his head towards the dragon.  Lem approached and together they mounted the great dragon.  Surprisingly, it let them.  Maybe the time spent and third-degree burns Valeros had suffered would pay off after all.
Once they were seated, Valeros spurred the dragon into action.  It lifted off with a great jolt, dislodging one of the bags that Lem had brought.  Oh well, it was probably unimportant.  Probably.

Turn 1
Lem – BoGorum
Guard Tower
Bandit Henchman from location effect – recharge BoPharasma – Holy Light + Valeros – D10+5+2D6+D4+3 = auto-kill
Recharge Holy Light = Success 
Potion of Fortitude – Banish forever
Discard Haste explore -  Caltrops – banish forever
Recharge Haste = Success

During the time they had spent in Sandpoint, they had scoured the immediate area for signs of the giant's trail.  It had led to the northeast, and so that was the direction they initially flew.  The trail the giants had left was not difficult to follow; shattered trees and debris littered the landscape that they passed over.

Turn 2
Valeros – BoIomede
Guard Tower
Bandit Henchman from location effect – recharge staff of minor healing – Reveal War Razor + Lem recharge = D10+7+D4+1+D4+2 = auto-kill
Charmed Red Dragon – Diplomacy + Lem Recharge + Lem BoIrori = D6+2+D4+2+D6 = 19 = Success
Several hours passed before they reached what appeared to be the end of the trail.  A great mountain range, the Iron Peaks, if Lem recalled correctly, rose up to meet them.  Smoke trails could be seen on a nearby peak, denoting the giant's camp.  Valeros ordered the dragon to descend, and they dismounted the great beast on a nearby cliffside.  Neither of them had a desire to go into battle with a red dragon there, tame or not.  It was just too dangerous.  They would need to continue on foot.

Turn 3
Lem – BoTorag
Bandit Henchman from location effect – recharge BoAbadar – Frost Ray + Valeros – D10+5+2D6+D4+3 = auto-kill
Recharge Frost Ray = Success
Magic Full Plate – Constitution = D6 = 3 = Fail

As they neared the encampment, Valeros spotted a giant guarding the outskirts.  He motioned for Lem to stay put, and moved silently through the rocky outcroppings, war razor at the ready.  Climbing to the top of one a large boulder behind the giant, he readied himself to strike.  Leaping onto its massive back, Valeros swiped his blade across the giantess' neck.  Rolling off as the lifeless body crashed to the ground, Valeros sprang to his feet.  He motioned for Lem to follow.

Turn 4
Valeros – BoNorgorber
Bandit Henchman from location effect – recharge Charmed Red Dragon – Reveal War Razor + Lem recharge = D10+7+D4+1+D4+2 = auto-kill
Cinderma – 1D4-1 ranged damage = 3 
Icy Longspear + 1+ Lem Recharge + Lem Toxic Cloud = D10+7+D8+1+D4+2+D6 = 20 = Success
Scenario roll to see if Giant is defeated = 2 = Success
Strength 5 check to close = auto-success – Location closed
Recharge Toxic Cloud = Success

Reaching the giant's camp, they could see several of the huge men and women milling about.  Their gray skin and slender build identified them all as stone giants, but it was difficult to tell how many there were.  Lem noticed one giant in particular wore decorative armor and jewels, that must be their leader.  He motioned to Valeros, pointed at the hulking form of the giant, and raised his crossbow.  Valeros nodded.  Lem lay flat on the rocks and steadied his aim.

Just as he fired, the giant moved, and his bolt shattered against the rock where its head was.  Lem mouthed some colorful words, and they scrambled back into the rocks as the giant encampment burst into action.

Turn 5 
Lem – BoGorzeh
Mountain Peak
Light Crossbow – Banished forever
Discard Toad explore – Galenmir – D4-1 ranged damage = 0
Wand of Enervation – check Reduced by 6
Heavy Crossbow = D10+D8 = 8 = Fail = take all the damage (1 card :P)
Galenmir and a couple blessings escape
Recharge Wand of Enervation = Fail = Buried

Valeros thought quickly as they moved through the rocks.  They needed to isolate these giants and take them on one by one if they were to stand a chance of surviving.  More importantly, a razor wasn't going to cut it in a face-to-face battle with a giant.  He reached for a more suitable weapon as they ran.

Turn 6
Valeros – BoIomedae
Mountain Peak
Elven Chain Shirt – D8 = 6 = Fail
Grizzled Mercenary Discard – Eyes of the Eagle – Banished

As they sprinted through the rocks, Lem could hear chanting above the din of giants rousing themselves to battle.  Sounded like magic.  Foul magic.

Suddenly, a great spectral form rose up before him.  Did these giants have necromancers?  That seemed like overkill.  Fortunately, holy magic worked on all undead, big or small.  In a flash of light, the spectre was torn apart.  Lem kept running to the safety of the rocks.

Turn 7 
Lem – BoErastil
Location Effect – Wisdom 7 check – Auto-fail – Bury Acolyte
Spectre – Holy Light + Valeros = D10+5+2D12+D4+3 = Auto-success
Recharge Holy Light = Success
Move to random location = Guard Tower

Similarly, dark shadows danced around Valeros as he ran.  Fortunately, he had found an appropriate weapon in his arsenal.  He stopped, raised his scythe in the air and, spun.  As he did so, the shadows were torn asunder by the blade.  Satisfied, Valeros continued on with Lem towards the rocks.

At last, they reached the relative safety of a dense cluster of boulders atop the mountain.  They stopped to catch their breath, and Valeros put his hand against the rock to steady himself.  The rock was hot to the touch, and Valeros turned to look, just in time to see a glowing rune flash to a blinding light.
"Get down!" he shouted as the boulder exploded in his face.  Lem was quick enough to roll out of the way, but the trap had caught Valeros full on.  Lem ran to his fallen companion just in time to hear chittering cries from nearby.  Those weren't giant noises.

Turn 8 
Valeros – BoCalistria
Location effect – Wisdom 7 check – Auto-fail = Bury Belt of Giant Strength
Shadow – Reveal and Recharge Scythe+1 = D10+7+2D4+1+D4 = 18 = Success
Discard BoTorag explore – Explosive Runes – Dex 14 check – Auto-fail = Discard top of deck and 8 fire damage lol - Runes banished

Goblins swarmed over the hills towards them.  Lem helped his friend up, as there was no time to get any healing done.  Valeros' entire left side was a blackened and burned mess, but he was still alive.  The goblins were upon them before either could grab a suitable weapon.  The pair resorted to punching and kicking the small green humanoids that scrambled towards them.  They had to get out of here, quick.

Lem spotted a cave in the rocks nearby that might provide them some shelter and funnel their enemies toward a defensible position.  dodging goblins by the dozen, and felling even more with his hands and hairy feet, he dragged Valeros' stumbling body towards the cave opening.

Turn 9 
Lem – BoG
Mountain Peak
Goblin Raid – 
Lem – Strength + Discard BoG + Valeros = D4+D4+D4+3 = 9 success
Valeros = Strength + Lem Recharge = D10+4+D4+2 = auto-success
Goblin Raid banished forever
Discard Haste Explore – BoGorzeh = Auto-acquire
Recharge Haste = Success

The cave went far deeper than either of them expected.  Valeros, half-blind and still reeling from the explosion, trusted the halfling to guide him through dark interior of the cavern.  Lem suddenly stopped.
"We're not alone." he whispered.
As though on cue, a giant club smashed against the wall of the cave, inches from the pair.  As injured as he was, Valeros could still fight.  He ran towards where he thought the giant would be and lashed out with a boot.  He smiled as a satisfying *crack* came from his opponent's kneecap.  As the giant fell forward, Valeros grabbed the massive skull in a great bear hug and twisted.  That was the end of their ambusher.

Turn 10 
Valeros – BoIrori
Location effect = Wisdom 7 check = Wisdom + Lem recharge = D4+D4+2 = 6 = fail = Bury Burglar
Treacherous Cave
Leather Armor – Banished forever
Discard BoGorum explore – Ambush – Dex 13 check – Discard BoAbadar = 3D8 = 14 = Success
Free explore – Half Plate – Constitution – D8 = 5 Success

The giant wasn't alone, however.  Lem saw another lumbering towards them in the darkness, and shot a bolt of lightning towards it.  Blinding white light coursed from Lem to the giant, illuminating the cave for a brief instant before the giant collapsed.  They continued their journey through the cave, wherever it might lead them.

Turn 11
Lem – BoShelyn
Location effect = Wisdom 7 check = Discard BoErastil = 2D6 = 7 = Success
Treacherous Cave 
Jorgenfist Stone Giant – Lightning Bolt + BoPharasma + Valeros = D10+5+3D6+2D10+D4+3 = 35 = Success
Scenario roll to see if Giant is defeated = 2 = Success
Recharge Lightning Bolt = Fail
Close check = Wisdom 7 = Wisdom + Discard BoGorzeh = 3D6 = 11 = Success

They had clearly stumbled into the lair of these giants, as sconces and giant-trappings littered the cave ahead.  Most of the giants were still above, searching for the pair, but not all of them.  They rounded a corner, and found themselves standing in front of the armored giant that Lem had attempted to shoot earlier.

"I've got this", Valeros said, limping towards the giant as he drew his spear.
The giant boomed with laughter, echoing off the cave walls.  "The only thing you have is a death wish, little man."

Valeros smiled through bloody lips as he broke into a sprint towards the giant.  At the last moment, he jumped towards the cave wall, and used a rocky ledge to propel himself higher with a second leap, straight towards the giant's face.  The pair crashed to the ground with a force strong enough to dislodge rocks from the cave walls, collapsing many of the tunnels behind them.  

Valeros rolled to his feet, while the giant struggled to bring itself upright, a spear lodged in it's massive chestplate.  As Lem and Valeros advanced, the giant scrambled deeper into the cavern.

Turn 12
Valeros – BoG
Giant Lair
Lem Cure – 5
Recharge Cure = Success
Galenmir – Impaler of Thorns + Lem Toxic Cloud + Discard BoTorag = D10+7+D8+2+D6+D10 = 31 = Success
Scenario check to see if Giant defeated = 3 = Success
Location Closed – Galenmir escapes to Mountain Peak
Recharge Toxic Cloud = Success

They followed the trail of blood through the cave, eventually reaching an opening back to the surface.  They must be close.  The giant couldn't possibly be moving very quickly given the amount of blood it had lost.

Turn 13
Lem – BoShelyn
Mountain Peak

Valeros took a moment to heal their wounds once they reached the cave mouth.  As he did so, another foul undead creature assaulted them.  It was a small effort to finish off the wretched creature with his spear.  These giants must be getting desperate.

Turn 14
Valeros – BoGorum
Mountain Peak
Staff of Minor Healing – Lem
Plague Zombie – Impaler of Thorns = D10+7+D8+2 = auto-kill

The trail led them to a cliff, where the giant leader sat, clutching the gaping wound in his chest.  He was still alive, but only just.  Lem leveled his finger at the giant and spoke an arcane incantation.  A ray of frost ended the giant's misery.

Turn 15
Lem – BoG
Location effect – Wisdom 7 = Bury BoAbadar
Galenmir – D4-1 Ranged damage = 1 damage – Frost Ray + Discard BoPharasma + Valeros = D10+5+2D6+2D10+D4+3 = 39 = Success
Scenario roll to see if Giant defeated = 6 = Success

"Think that was Mokmurian?" Valeros grumbled, kicking the lifeless, frost-covered, body.
Lem moved towards the edge of the cliff and looked out. "Somehow, I don't think so." he said, eyes wide with awe.

Valeros moved towards his partner and looked over the edge.  Below was a blackened valley filled with a massive obsidian tower.  All around the tower, creatures flew, and below armies of giants moved about.  Valeros wished he had kept that dragon around, after all.

Scenario Victory!
Rewards – Card Feat
Lem – Armor
Valeros – Ally

Post-Game Analysis

Bet you didn't think I was going to finish, huh?  Well, neither did I.  Life gets busy, priorities shift, and some things have to shift to the back-burner.  Unfortunately PACG was one of those things, but now I'm back!  Rejoice!

Anyway, let's take a look at this session.  Tame Red Dragon!  It was just too much of a Valeros thing to pass up.  I might never use it, but who knows.  Ally cards are kind of middling at best anyway, with a few exceptions.  As for Lem, I noticed that I had given him the light armor proficiency, so I might as well give him an armor slot in his deck.

The scenario itself was pretty straightforward, but those explosive runes really did a number on me.  I actually forgot to banish it initially, and drew it again with Lem.  My heart sank, because the damage I rolled would actually have killed him.  I then noticed that the card is banished when encountered, and breathed a sigh of relief.  I banished it and drew the next card instead.  Crisis averted.

You'll be pleased to know that I've already played the next scenario, and will be finishing up the last two this week.  Look for those shortly.  Hope you all enjoyed this session.  Till next time!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Cop and a Half: Episode 22 - Sandpoint Under Siege

The books that Lem had retrieved from the Stone Giant's lair were very illuminating.  They told of ancient beings; wizards of great power called Runelords.  These wizards were able to use ancient rune magic to forge alliances with dragons and enslave giants.  They ruled the ancient empire of Thassilon, each plotting to overthrow the others.  Eventually, their power corrupted them and they began to each focus on one of seven schools of magic whose power was derived from the very sins of mankind.  Each of these Runelords created a runewell to harness this power.  The location of these runewells were lost to time but Barl Breakbones, the stone giant leader, had believed he discovered where one was located: the small coastal village of Sandpoint!

Male Halfling Bard Charlatan
Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing
Skill Feats: Charisma +4
Power Feats: 
Light Armor proficiency 
Once per check, recharge a card to card to add 1D4+2 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally
Starting Deck
Heavy Crossbow
Wand of Enervation
Sihedron Medallion
Toxic Cloud
Holy Light
Frost Ray
Lightning Bolt
BoPharasma x2

Valeros and Lem should have been more surprised than they were to learn this.  They realized that they had already encountered the runewell once, deep below Thistletop!  If Barl was aware of it's location, it was likely that he was not alone. Why Barl had wanted to find it was a mystery.  Perhaps he wanted to harness the power of the well for himself.  Whatever the case, they had to get back to Sandpoint to prepare them for an attack before it was too late.  And so they began the long journey by boat back to the coast.  It took weeks, and they prayed that they would not arrive too late.

Male Human Fighter Weapon Master
Card Feats: Weapon, Item, Blessing
Skill Feats: Strength +4
Power Feats: 
Hand Size 5
Add 1d4+2 to another character’s combat check at your location
You may use Melee in place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait
Starting Deck
Icy Longspear+1
Impaler of Thorns
Shock Longbow+1
War Razor +1
Magic Chain Mail
Magic Shield
Magic Half-Plate
Holy Candle
Belt of Giant Strength
Staff of Minor Healing
Grizzled Mercenary
Blessing of Gorum
BoTorag x2

Arriving in the small village, they were greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of Sandpoint.  It appeared that their prior efforts to reduce the goblin population had been successful.  There hadn't been any attacks since the pair left.  They informed Sheriff Hemlock of the impending attack, and he began preparing defenses immediately.  He knew better than to doubt the duo that had saved the village so many times before.  Lem and Valeros headed to the cathedral to see if they could glean any additional information regarding the runewell.  As they did so, Lem shot a frost ray at one of the giant lizards that were native to the area.
"Man, I really missed that." He mused.

Turn 1
Lem – BoIrori
Sandpoint Cathedral
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Hill Giant – Shuffled back in
BoG – auto-acquire
Discard BoG exploxre – Giant Gecko – Frost Ray + Valeros = D10+5 + 2D6 + D4+2 = 27 = Success = Banished forever
Recharge Frost Ray = Success

As they neared the cathedral, they could see that the door had been smashed in.  They sprinted inside just in time to see a ghoul lunge upon one of the priests.  Valeros unsheathed his war razor as he ran towards the creature.  He grabbed the foul creature's head in one arm while cutting it's throat with the other.  Foul black ichor spilled onto the floor and the poor priest who scrambled and screamed under the ghoul.

Turn 2
Valeros – BoShelyn
Sandpoint Cathedral
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Bugbear – Shuffled back in
BoSarenrae – Constitution = D8 = 3 = Fail
Discard Grizzled Merc explore – Ghoul – War Razor = D10+7 + D4+1 = 17 = Success
Discard BoAbadar explore – Invisibility – Banish forever

Lem turned back to the door and saw no further threat.  He blockaded the ruined doors with a pew, just in case.  

Turn 3
Lem – BoG
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Jorgenfist Stone Giant – Shuffled back in
Crowbar – Banished forever
Discard Toad explore – Invisibility – Banish forever

Valeros threw aside the lifeless body of the ghoul and helped the gore-covered priest to his feet.  
"Wha...Valeros?  Lem?  What are you two doing here?"  He glanced to the ghoul before continuing, not giving the pair a chance to answer. "Never mind.  I should have expected you to be here.  Trouble seems to follow you two."
Lem and Valeros could hardly argue with that.  

Turn 4
Valeros – BoLamashtu
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Jorgenfist Stone Giant – Shuffled back in
Acolyte – Diplomacy + Lem Recharge = D6+2 + D4+2 = 9 = Success

Before the pair had a chance to question the priest, the blockaded door exploded inward.  Splinters of wood flew in all directions, and a stone giant ducked inside the ruined entryway.  Lem wasted no time and leveled a wand at it, greatly weakening the behemoth.  The pair then leapt into action.  Valeros charged the giant and stomped his foot into it's rocky midsection while Lem ducked behind it and clambered up it's back.  Reaching the thing's head, he gouged at the vulnerable eyes of the creature until it collapsed backwards down the steps.  Lem dove to one side as it fell, rolling to a standing position in the street.

Turn 5
Lem – BoG
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – BoTorag – Banished
Jorgenfist Stone Giant – Wand of Enervation – check reduced by 7 – Lem + Valeros + BoGorum = 3D4 + D4+2 = 14 = Success
Recharge Wand = Success
Banish blessing of Shelyn to close location
Wisdom check to recover blessing from discard = 1 = Fail

"A scout." Valeros grumbled.  Looks like there wouldn't be time to question the priest after all.  Valeros looked to the skyline, looking for the tallest building in the village.  One that would give them a good vantage point to spot any incoming giants.  The Scarnetti mansion was by far the largest building in Sandpoint.  The Scarnetti family were wealthy traders who had made a fortune in overseas trade, and chose to retire in this sleepy village.  Valeros kicked down the door to the mansion and rushed inside.

Turn 6
Valeros – BoG
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Ogre – Shuffled back in
Scarnetti Manor
Frost Longbow+1 – Bury Acolyte – Dexterity + Lem recharge + Lem BoIrori = 2D8 + D4+2 = 10 = Fail
As they entered, Lem heard a roar from behind them and reflexively kicked a bugbear that charged the doorway. This varied assortment of monsters they were encountering must be the vanguard of the invasion.  This wasn't going to be a fun day.

Turn 7
Lem – BoIrori
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Vicious Trident + 1 – Banished
Scarnetti Manor
Potion of Hiding – Banished forever
Haste Explore – Bugbear – Strength + Valeros + Valeros BoGorum = D4 + D4+2 + 2D4 = 12 = Success
Recharge Haste = Success

Valeros ran from room to room, fortunately no one else was home.  
"All clear." he said, and Lem nodded.  They went to the top floor and looked out in all directions, searching for the giant army.

Turn 8
Valeros – BoG
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Venemous Dagger +2 – Banished
Chain Mail – Banished forever

The house was cluttered with junk, and it was hard to find a good vantage point to see around them.  They decided to climb out the window and onto the roof instead.  

Turn 9
Lem – BoG
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Amulet of Life – Banished forever
Magic Leather Armor – Consitution = D6 = 2 = Success
Discard BoAbadar explore – Standard Bearer – Banish forever

As the clambered out onto the tiled roof of the mansion, a terrible roar could be heard overhead.  
"What now?" Valeros grumbled.  As though in response, the roof erupted into flames as a red blur swooped overheard.  Partially on fire, the pair scrambled back into the window, patting out the flames on their armor and faces.  
"By the gods!  Was that...was that a dragon?!" Lem asked incredulously.

Turn 10
Valeros – BoG
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Zombie – Shuffle back in
Mercenary – Reveal and recharge War Razor = D10+7 + 3D4+1 = 16 = Success
Discard BoTorag explore – Both fail their dex checks automatically – 4 fire damage
Fail combat check – Longtooth shuffled back in

Lem did what he could to heal them, but any exposed skin they had was already beginning to blister.  How the hell were they supposed to fight a dragon?  They were going to have to get creative for this one.  
"We have to go warn the village!" he cried.
"You go, I'll distract it."  

Turn 11
Lem – BoG
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Blast stone – Banish forever
Move to City Gate
Masterwork Tools – Dexterity – D8 = 3 = Fail
Cure – 4

Distract it.  What was he thinking?  Well, he had always wanted to go down fighting and let's face it, there was nothing cooler than fighting a dragon.  The roof was a roaring inferno, and Valeros had to be very careful where he placed his hands as he climbed back out.  Standing in the middle of the flames, he could see the dragon circling overhead.  He waved his frost spear and shouted at the dragon, attempting to get it's attention.

It worked.  The dragon descended in a dive straight towards him.  It unleashed liquid flame once again, but Valeros was ready.  He dove aside as new flames rose from the spot where he had stood.  As the dragon righted itself from it's dive, Valeros took a running leap from the roof onto it's back.  He plunged his spear into the back of the giant scaly beast over and over again.  Each thrust was greeted by blood that boiled from the scales like lava from a volcano.  The dragon thrashed in all directions, attempting to buck the human from it's back.  Fortunately, Valeros was able to plant his spear deep enough that it would not be shaken free.  

Finally, the great beast began to tire, and it's wings went limp.  It dropped like a red meteor from the sky, and Valeros braced himself for impact.  With a thunderous crash, the dragon and it's unwelcome passenger hit the ground.  The carcass of the dragon smashed through several small houses before coming to a stop.  Valeros himself rolled to a stop in the street.  He was surprised to find himself in one piece.

Turn 12
Valeros – BoG
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Shopkeeper’s Daughter – Shuffle back in
Longtooth – Dexterity  + BoTorag = 2D8 = 12 = Success = 1 fire damage
Combat Check – Icy Longspear+1 = D10+7 + D8+1 = 15 = Fail = Recharge icy Longspear reroll = 22 = Success
Choose not to close location
Holy Candle – 1

Lem was too distracted by his own troubles to see the incredible spectacle that raged above him.  He had reached the city gates just in time to see a host of giants break through the shoddy wall that protected the village.  Lem opened up with everything he had.  Blasts of frost and lightning poured from his outstretched hands.  Giants and their minions alike were sent flying; their bodies frozen solid then blasted apart. 

Turn 13
Lem – BoG
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Ambush – Shuffle back in
Goblin Warrior – Frost Ray = D10+5 + 2D6 = 23 = Success
Recharge Frost Ray = Success
Haste Explore – Jorgenfist Stone Giant – Lightning Bolt = D10+5 + 3D6 = 23 = Success
Recharge Haste = Success
Recharge Lightning Bolt = Success
Defeat Bandit henchman to close location – D10+D8 = 9 = Success
Location closed

Valeros dusted himself off and looked around him, searching for the next source of danger.  He saw townsfolk running in all directions.  Outside the walls, a huge cloud of dust was rising from the area near the Old Light, an ancient lighthouse.  Could that be where the runewell was located?  Valeros wasn't going to take any chances.  He ran out of the city and towards the landmark, shooting with his longbow at the undead minions that flocked to the gathered giants.

Turn 14
Valeros – BoSarenrae
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Yeth Hound – Shuffled back in
Move to the Old Light
Zombie – Shock Longbow+1 = D10+7 + D8+1 = 20 = Banished forever
Use Staff of Minor Healing

Satisfied that the immediate threat at the gate was taken care of, Lem ran back to the mansion to search for his partner.  The building was a smoldering ruin by the time he reached it.  There was no way Valeros would go out like that, though.  He knew the man better than that.  He went in search of the dragon instead.

Turn 15
Lem – BoLamashtu
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Crown of Charisma – Banished
Scarnetti Manor
Charisma check to close – D10+7 = 17 = Location closed
D6 random items – 1 – Amulet of Mighty Fists to hand

Valeros had reached the landmark and didn't slow his run as he jumped onto the back of a hill giant.  He brought his razor across the broad stinking flesh of the giant's throat, and rolled off of it as it crashed into the ground.  He would carve his way through all of these beasts until he found their leader.

Turn 16
Valeros – BoPharasma
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Holy Light – Banished
Hill Giant – Reveal and recharge War Razor+1 = D10+7 + 3D4+1 = 23 = Success

Lem found the carcass of the red dragon, and it was easy enough to follow the trail of carnage from it.  Surely all of this was the handiwork of his partner.  He could see the Old Light in the distance, and hoped he would reach it before Valeros killed everything without him.

Turn 17
Lem – BoG
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Vicious Trident +1 – Banished
Valeros Staff of Minor Healing
The Old Light
Shopkeeper’s Daughter – Fail – End turn

Valeros buried his longspear into an ogre.  He was nearly to the lighthouse now.  Just a few more monsters to go.  

Turn 18
Valeros – BoAbadar
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Wand of Scorching Ray – Banish
Ogre – Icy Longspear+1 + Lem recharge = D10+7 + D8+1 + D4+2 = 23 = Success
Grizzled Mercenary explore – Shopkeeper’s Daughter – End turn

As Valeros charged a flying yeth hound, a blast of light knocked it from the sky in front of him.  He turned and saw his partner panting.
"Don't...think...I'm letting you...have all the fun."  He wheezed.  
Valeros gave him a grim smile and the pair approached the lighthouse together.

Turn 19
Lem – BoG
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Aid – Banished
Yeth Hound – Wisdom = D6 = 4 = Fail = Difficulty increased by 1
Combat check – Holy Light + Valeros = D10+5 + 2D6 + D4+2 = 24 = Success
Recharge Holy Light = Success

They could see a stone giant at the base of the old lighthouse.  He appeared to be taking the very stones from the foundation, placing them into a large satchel that he wore.  He paid no mind to the heroes as they approached.  That was his last mistake. 

Turn 20
Valeros – BoCalistria
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Shopkeeper’s Daughter – Shuffled back in
Shopkeeper’s Daughter – Fail

Lem conjured a cloud of poisonous gas around the giant, then fired his crossbow.  Valeros followed the bolt with his longspear and crashed into the giant, sending it sprawling to the ground.  
"You think you have won?" It sputtered as Valeros stepped toward the giant, "Lord Mokmurian will show you the true meaning of pain."
"Can't wait to meet him." Valeros said with a smile as he drove the spearpoint into the giant's neck.

Turn 21
Lem – Boiomedae
Scenario – Randomly select a location and reveal the top card – Teraktinus – Shuffled back in
Teraktinus – D4-1 Ranged combat damage = 2 = Bury magic leather armor
Wand of Enervation - 6
Lem - 1st Combat Check – Toxic Cloud + Heavy Crossbow + Valeros = D6+D8+D10+D4+2 = 15 = Success
Valeros - 2nd Combat Check – Toxic Coud + Icy Longspear+1 + Lem recharge  = D6+D10+7+D8+1+D4+2 = 23 = Success

Scenario Reward – Power Feat
Lem – Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or defeat a henchman
Valeros – Add D4+3 to another character’s check at your location

Post-Game Analysis

Yay, I was able to recover my PC, so this didn't end up being the "lost adventure"!  So. Many. Boons. Lost. I mean, I guess that's the nature of this scenario, since every boon that's revealed at the start of the turn is banished, but still.  Two vicious tridents, a new bow, venemous dagger, and other things I would have liked to have all appeared and promptly went away in this scenario.  

Hope you all enjoyed the read, and I'll see you next time with the second scenario of Adventure Deck 4!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Cop and a Half: Episode 21 - Into The Mountains

Lem looked around him.  Yes, he had everything, he thought. They had been preparing for a week.  He had spoken with all of the surviving explorers in Fort Rannick, gathering information about the surrounding wilderness.  Lem hefted his pack,walked through the door of the garrison and found his partner waiting at the gate to the small fort.

Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing
Skill Feats: Charisma +4
Power Feats: Light Armor, Once per check, you may recharge a card to add 1D4+2 to another character’s check at your location
Starting Deck
Heavy Crossbow
Medusa Mask
Sihedron Medallion
Holy Light
Lightning Bolt
Toxic Cloud
Frost Ray
Blessing of Abadar
Blessing of Shelyn
Blessing of Erastil
Blessing of Desna
Blessing of Pharasma x2

Valeros stood at the gate like a gladiator preparing to enter the arena.  He checked his weapons for the thousandth time.  He had spent the last week working with the Black Arrow Rangers to discover the most likely place for the ogres to dwell.  Valeros had a good idea of the direction to take.  He should be able to pick up the trail easily enough.  Ogres weren't known for their stealth.  He glanced up and saw his partner coming towards him.  It was time to leave.

Card Feats: Weapon, Blessing, Item
Skill Feats: Strength +4
Power Feats: Hand Size 5, Add 1D4+2 to another character’s combat check at your location
Starting Deck
Shock Longbow+1
Impaler of Thorns
Icy Longspear+1
War Raazor+1
Magic Shield
Magic Chain Mail
Magic Half-Plate
Belt of Giant Strength
Staff of Minor Healing
Holy Candle
Grizzled Mercenary
BoTorag x2

They moved out into the forest.  It was early, and the sun had not yet crested the mountains.  A dense fog had settled into the pre-dawn gloom of the woods.  It was for this reason that Lem did not see his attacker until it was too late.  He didn't see the lizard-like humanoid until it was too late.  It pounced upon him from above, knocking him to the ground.  Lem instinctively cast a poisonous cloud around the creature, but it was too fast for him.  It sprang off of him and disappeared back into the forest before they could finish it. Just another reminder that they needed to cleanse the evil from this place.

Turn 1
Lem – BoShelyn
Xulgath – Put Cure on top of deck – Toxic Cloud + Valeros = D6 + D4+2 + D4 = 8 = Fail = 1 damage = Sihedron medallion
Recharge Toxic Cloud = Fail
Recharge Sihedron Medallion = Fail

Valeros readied his spear.  Where there was one creature, there were bound to be more.  Evil traveled in packs.  In the fog that surrounded them, Valeros saw shambling shapes moving towards them.  A lot of them. He helped Lem up.
"Time to get to work."
With that, they charged towards the forms.  Limbs of mindless zombies flew through the air, sheared from their rotten home by his spear.  Others were frozen solid by Lem's arcane magics.  Soon enough, all of the reanimated dead lay around them in pieces.  This was just the beginning.

Turn 2 
Valeros – BoG
Boots of Elvenkind – Dexterity = D8 = 6 = Success
Discard BoAbadar explore – Zombie Horde – Everyone summon and encounter Zombie Henchman
Lem – Frost Ray + Valeros – D10+5 + 2D6 + D4+2 = auto-success
Valeros – Impaler of Thorns + Lem recharge + Belt of Giant Strength = D10+7 + D8+2 + D4+2 + 1 = auto-success
Recharge Frost Ray = Success

The early morning fog was beginning to lift, and revealed movement in the trees surrounding them.  Lem readied his crossbow and fired, and a screech answered him.  It was the lizard-creature from before, now lifeless with a bolt protruding from it's chest.  Lem breathed a sigh of relief and stowed his crossbow as they moved up the mountain.

Turn 3
Lem – BoIrori
Masterwork Tools – Dexterity = D8 = 2 = Fail
Discard BoPharasma explore – Xulgath – BoPharasma on top of deck – Heavy Crossbow + Valeros = D8 + D10 + D4+2 = 11 = Success = Banished forever

As they continued to scale the mountainside, a booming voice sounded from above.
"You dare to enter my domain?  You shall be met with death!"
With that, the mountainside before them seemed to shift.  Rocky outcroppings crumbled away and great stones fell from the mountain, threatening a landslide.  Valeros and Lem stood their ground, prepared for whatever might come next.

With the sound of stone grinding upon stone, stones before them began to move towards them.  These were no random boulders, this was a stone giant!  Now that they could make out the form, they saw it was easily 12 feet in height.  Valeros wasn't impressed.  He charged towards the rock creature, aiming for the joints where his spear might find purchase.  He collided with the stone giant burying his spear into the elbow joint.  The creature roared a terrifying cry of pain as Valeros pressed his advantage.  He pulled his spear free and lunged for the thing's midsection.  Sparks flew as the spear tore a scar in the belly of the giant.  Valeros smiled before a rock fist caught him in the chest, knocking him into the tree with a thunderous crash.  The giant then turned and fled up the mountainside.

Turn 4
Valeros – BoCalistria
Barl Breakbones 
1st Check – Impaler of Thorns + Lem Recharge + Belt of Giant Strength = D10+7 + D8+2 + D4+2 + 1 = 22 = Success  
Discard random card – Magic Chain Mail
2nd Check - Impaler of Thorns + Lem Recharge + Belt of Giant Strength = D10+7 + D8+2 + D4+2 + 1 = 24 = Success  
Location closed

Lem helped his partner up as the man tried to catch his breath.
"Some...help...you were." he gasped as he stood on shaky legs.
"Oh, I'm sorry! Maybe next time I'll throw a lightning bolt at the giant that has my partner connected to him by a lightning rod.  Or I could just freeze you both and let the gods sort it out!"  Lem said, half-smiling.
"OK, OK.  Point taken.  Maybe next time we try a different strategy.  Let's go."
They moved up the mountain after the giant, and the landscape around them began to shift as they did.  Where there were dense pines, a luminescent foliage now surrounded them.  Lem groaned.
"Oh no, not this place again!  This is the weird mind-control glen I told you about."  They moved through the strange wood cautiously.
A strange flock of birds circled them for a time, before diving down towards them.  Lem threw a divine shield over them, and the birds impacted it with a sickening crunch.  

Turn 5
Lem – BoG
Carrionstorm – Divine = D10+5 = 8 = Success

Valeros had no trouble identifying the giant's tracks.  He wondered where the giant would lead them.  Perhaps tracking the source of the evil that plagued this land would be easier than they thought.

Turn 6
Valeros – BoDesna
BoG – Banish
Discard BoGorum explore – BoG – Banish

They encountered many strange creatures as they moved through the glen.  Everything here seemed sentient, regarding them with inhuman intelligence.  As curious as Lem was, he didn't want to end up like the scattered humans they passed.

Turn 7
Lem – BoSarenrae
Sanctuary – Divine = D10+5 = Auto-success
Discard Toad explore – BoIrori – Divine = D10+5 = Auto-success
Discard BoIrori explore – Soldier – Charisma = D10+7 = Auto-Success
Discard Soldier explore – Crow – Banish forever
Discard BoAbadar explore – Consecration – Divine = D10+5 = 14 = Success

Not everything in this place kept its distance, though.  A humanoid creature moved through the sparse trees on the periphery of Valeros' vision.  He pretended to kneel down for a moment to inspect the ground and waited.  As expected, the thing lurched towards him.  He brought his spear up and impaled the creature in mid-air.  The faceless thing slid down the shaft of the spear.  Valeros simply dumped the body and cleaned his weapon on some nearby grass.  He was starting to see why Lem hated this place.

Turn 8
Valeros – BoPharasma
Holy Candle – 2
Use Staff of minor healing
Trapped Passageway – Dexterity + Lem recharge + Lem BoErastil = D8 + D4+2 + D8 = 16 = Success = Banished forever
Free explore from barrier – Faceless Stalker – Impaler of Thorns + Belt of Giant Strength = D10+7 + D8+2 + 1 = 20 = Success

"You shall go no further."  A voice echoed across the glen.  "Barl has commanded that you are to die."
The air around them began to grow cold, even freezing.  A spectral hand formed in front of Lem, reaching for his neck.  Once it touched the Sihedron medallion he wore, however, the hand was blasted backward by a flash of light.  Lem wasted no time, unleashing a holy blast upon the thing.  An otherworldly scream sounded through the forest, and the temperature began to return to normal.  Lem looked ahead, and saw they had finally reached the end of this accursed glen.

Turn 9
Lem – BoLamashtu
Lamatar Bayden – Deal 1D4-1 cold damage to Valeros – 0 – Holy Light + Valeros = D10+5 + 2D12 + D4+2 = 37 = Success
Recharge Holy Light = Success
Divine check to close = D10+5 = 12 = Success
Location closed

Valeros saw this as well, and quickened his pace.  Reaching the border of the glen, he could see they were nearly at the mountain peak.  He motioned to Lem and hurried forward.  In doing so, he failed to see the pit trap before he fell in.  Fortunately it was meant to trap game and not people.  As he climbed from the pit, he could hear Lem giggling behind him.
"Not. A. Word. Short stuff." he grumbled.

Turn 10
Valeros – BoIomedae
Mountain Peak
Pit Trap – Dexterity = D8 = 2 = D4 damage = 3

Lem's smile quickly faded as he looked up.  "Uh-oh.  Looks like we found the welcoming committee."
A zombie giant and its ogre wrangler lumbered towards them.  Lem readied his crossbow and fired bolts as fast as he could load them.  The huge creatures were felled long before they reached the pair.  Valeros dusted himself off and looked at Lem to see the halfling's raised eyebrow regarding him.
"Yeah, yeah, nice shooting.  Can we go now?"

Turn 11
Lem – BoG
Mountain Peak
Zombie Giant – Heavy Crossbow + Valeros = D8 + D10 + D4+2 = 21 = Success
Haste explore – Elven Breastplate – auto-fail
Recharge haste = Success
Discard BoShelyn explore – Ogrekin – D4 – 4 = Put ogrekin on bottom of deck after encounter 
Heavy Crossbow + Valeros = D8 + D10 + D4+2 = 16 = Success

As the pair crossed the peak, they could see areas of the stone that had been carved or shaped.  The area they stood in appeared to be some sort of open courtyard. Although the sun was now high overhead, the cold wind on the mountain peak whipped at them fiercely.  Valeros squinted ahead and saw a throne of stone.  In front of it, stood the stone giant from earlier.
"So, this is how it ends then." The voice echoed off of the surrounding stone, "I have served the Runelords faithfully, and I an ready for my reward."
Valeros lowered his spear and charged the rock creature.  His spear went directly through the thing's chest.  As the creature fell to it's knees, Valeros withdrew his razor and sliced it's throat.  It fell to the ground with a thunderous sound, Valeros' spear sticking up from it like a grotesque grave marker.

Turn 12
Valeros – BoPharasma
Mountain peak - Wisdom + Lem recharge = D4 + D4+2 = 6 = Fail = Bury a card
Barl Breakbones = Impaler of Thorns + Belt of Giant Strength = D10+7 + D8+2 + 1 = 17 = Success
Discard random card – Impaler of Thorns :(
2nd check – Reveal and recharge War Razor+1 + Belt of Giant Strength + Lem recharge = D10+ 7 + 3D4+1 + D8+2 + D4+2 = 28 = Success
Location closed 
Examine top card of Shrine to Lamashtu – Blessing of Lamashtu

Lem moved to inspect the throne area.  Behind it was an unsettling and familiar sight: a shrine to Lamasthu.  Lem felt a chill crawl up his spine as he smashed it.

Turn 13
Lem – BoGorum
Shrine to Lamashtu
Blessing of Lamashtu – Take 2 damage – Divine = D10+5 = auto-success

Valeros came to join Lem, and saw a massive stone door carved into the side of the mountain peak.  He tried to pry it open, but to no avail.  This door could likely only be opened by a giant.  He didn't realize how correct he was as the doors blasted apart in front of him.  Knocked backwards, he saw a zombie giant drag it's decomposing corpse from the chamber.  Valeros made quick work of it, slashing the back of it's knees with his scythe before decapitating it.

Turn 14
Valeros – BoShelyn
Shrine to Lamashtu
Lem Cure – 3
Recharge cure = Success
Locked Stone Door – Combat + Lem recharge + Belt of Giant Strength – D10+7 + 2D4+1 + D4+2 + 1 = 18 = Fail
Grizzled Mercenary explore – Zombie Giant – Scythe + Belt of Giant Strength = D10+7 + 2D4+1 +1 = 17 = Success

Lem cautiously moved into the chamber.  There were ancient items in here, but nothing immediately caught his eye.  How long had these giants dwelled here?  This appeared to be a burial chamber of sorts.  Lem moved in to inspect it closer.

Turn 15
Lem – BoShelyn
BoDesna – 2 damage - Divine = D10+5 = Auto-success
Discard BoDesna explore – Ranger Stash – Dexterity = auto-fail

Valeros moved to join Lem but as he did, a grinding sound from behind him made him turn.  The corpse of Barl had picked itself up from the ground, and now moved towards the pair.  Valeros saw his spear still sticking from the giant's chest.  He frowned and readied his scythe.

Barl's face betrayed no sign of life.  Had the giant somehow brought itself back from death?  Or was this another blessing of Lamashtu?  Valeros had no time to consider these things now.  He slashed at the legs of the giant with his scythe, then dove to one side.
"Now!" he cried to Lem, who was ready with a blast of lightning.  It caught the spear and coursed through the giant.  Lem dove to the ground as the body of the stone giant blasted apart, littering the area with a shower of rocks.  

Turn 16
Valeros – BoCalistria
Fiery Weapon – Intelligence – D6 = 3 = Fail
Discard BoTorag explore – Barl Breakbones
1st Check – Reveal and recharge Scythe+1 + Lem recharge + Belt of Giant Strength = D10+7 + 3D4+1 + D4+2 + 1 = 25 = Success
Discard a random card – Magic Shield
2nd Check – Lem – Lightning Bolt + Blessing of Pharasma + Valeros = D10+5 + 3D6 + 2D10 + D4+2 = 38 = Success 
Location Closed

Valeros picked himself up from the ground, shaking off the rubble. He walked over and retrieved his spear before moving to the chamber with his partner.  Inside there were a few arcane treasures, including several books  that Lem would surely pore over later.
"Well, what now?" Lem asked.
"Now, we find these 'Runelords', and we kill them."  Valeros said as he sheathed his spear.

Scenario Reward – Headband of Vast Intelligence, Sihedron Medallion, Wand of Enervation
Adventure Deck Reward – Role Card and Power Feat
Lem – Charlatan, Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally
Valeros – Weapon Master, You may use Melee in the place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait

Post-Game Analysis

Are you ready for Adventure Deck 4?  I sure am.  I chose the roles based on what I felt made sense for these two.  Lem is no virtuoso, and Valeros is no guardian :)

Another thing to note is that I played this one and the last one back to back, so I hadn't yet received the clarification that BoG's cannot be banished upon encountering.  Plese don't hold it against me.  Anyhow, that's all for this time.  Next time, we'll start Fortress of the Stone Giants!