Male Halfling Bard Charlatan
Card Feats: Spell x2, Blessing, Armor
Skill Feats: Charisma +4
Power Feats:
Light Armor proficiency
Once per check, recharge a card to card to add 1D4+2 to a check attempted by another character at your location
Add 2 to your check to acquire an ally or defeat a henchman
Starting Deck
Heavy Crossbow
Wand of Enervation
Sihedron Medallion
Toxic Cloud
Holy Light
Frost Ray
Lightning Bolt
Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
BoPharasma x2
Their journey to the tower was uneventful. It seemed the remaining harpies surrounding the tower had dispersed at the death of their leader. That suited Valeros just fine. As much fun as it was to throw weapons at them, they didn't represent much of a challenge.
Male Human Fighter Weapon Master
Card Feats: Weapon, Item, Blessing, Ally
Skill Feats: Strength +4
Power Feats:
Hand Size 5
Add 1d4+3 to another character’s combat check at your location
You may use Melee in place of Ranged when using a weapon with the Ranged trait
Starting Deck
Icy Longspear+1
Heavy Pick +1
Impaler of Thorns
Shock Longbow+1
War Razor +1
Magic Chain Mail
Magic Shield
Magic Half-Plate
Holy Candle
Emerald Codex
Staff of Minor Healing
Grizzled Mercenary
Tamed Red Dragon
Blessing of Gorum
BoTorag x2
Upon reaching the throne room where they had encountered the mummy previously, the pair decided to follow the path where the undead creature had emerged from. It led them to a steep, winding staircase that led down to a musty and foul-smelling lair beneath the tower.
Turn 1
Lem – BoGorum
Giant Lair
Mace – Banish forever
Discard Toad explore – Ring of Protection – Constitution – D6 = 2 = Fail
A slight flicker of movement behind him was the only warning Valeros had before being pounced upon by a hideous monster. the upper body was that of a woman but the lower, the part which now attempted to pin Valeros down, was that of a lion. It was a lamia, a creature that Valeros had heard of but never seen.
Valeros struggled against the oppressive size and weight of the creature, straining to reach his spear. Lem was also readying a spell that would save his friend without hurting him in the blast. At last, Valeros' hand wrapped around the familiar shaft of his longspear. freeing it, he drove it into the underbelly of the beast even as it swiped at his face. As he drove the creature back, Lem was able to let loose with his magic. It was all over in a matter of seconds, and the pair stood victorious over the misshapen creature.
Valeros wiped some of the blood from the scratches on his face. "Well, good to know we're not alone down here." he muttered before moving onward into the darkness that stretched out before them.
Turn 2
Valeros – BoG
Giant Lair
Zaelsar – Icy Longspeaar + BoTorag + Lem recharge = D10+7+D8+1+2D10+D4+2 = 30 = Success
Zaelsar placed next to scenario card
Location closed
As they moved deeper into the bowels of the tower, the area took on a more functional appearance. This appeared to be a garrison of some sort, most likely for the army of giants that had been assembled here. A slew of poor-quality weapons and armor lay discarded on the stone floor. They walked through the foul rooms, wary for any sign of ambush.
Turn 3
Lem – BoPharasma
Dagger – banish forever
Discard BoAbadar explore – Longsword – Banished forever
Their caution was not unwarranted. As they stepped into one of the rooms, they were attacked from both sides by humans. It was likely that they were mercenaries, hired by the giants. They must have taken their money and hidden in the tower, perhaps hoping to plunder it while the army was away. Lem and Valeros happily gave them as much magic and steel as they could take, dropping the pair of mercenaries with ease.
Turn 4
Valeros – BoG
Mercenary – location makes both characters fight him
Lem – Holy Light + Valeros = D10+5+2D6+D4+3 = 18 = Success
Valeros – Icy Spear = D10+7+D8+1 = 11 = Fail
Recharge Spear = 14 = Success
Recharge holy light = Success
Even as they finished off the mercenaries, they were accosted by more foul creatures. This time, it was satyrs, nasty goat-men that seemed to fit in with the theme of hideous hybrid monsters that this tower continued to present. They were too agile for Lem to hit, but Valeros was quick to help his partner. He managed to outmaneuver the satyrs and finish them off before they could hurt the halfling too badly.
Turn 5
Lem – BoDesna
Satyr – Location – each character fights it
Lem - Dex + BoErastil = 2D8 = 7 = Fail = 2 damage
Valeros – Dex + Lem recharge = D8+D4+2 = 9 = Success
Helping his partner up, Valeros pursed his lips before speaking, "Lem, we're getting nowhere down here. Who knows how long these tunnels go on for. Look, you know I love killing things as much as anyone, but I don't want to spend my life under this accursed tower."
"Good, me either," the halfling replied. "Maybe we should stop for a sec and see what that magic scroll thing has to offer? I can look at it, if you like."
"No, no. You're always the one who reads these things. I think it's time I joined the ranks of the literate myself. Where better to start then the hide of some horrible monster that's covered in ancient chicken scratch?" Valeros grumbled, only half-joking.
And so they sat, Lem helping him with the big words. Eventually, they were able to decipher the script, which was part holy scripture, and part divine spells and prayers. Valeros hoped to use some of them to assist their exploration of this place. If nothing else, it was interesting to wield something other than steel in his hands.
Turn 6
Valeros – BoG
Bury Emerald Codex – Detect Evil, Find Traps, Cure
Lem Cure – 5
Recharge Cure = Fail
Short Sword – Banish forever
Detect Evil – Standard Bearer
Discard BoTorag explore – Standard Bearer – Banish forever
Lem swelled with pride in his companions more scholarly pursuits. Maybe he would finally have someone to talk spells with! The thought excited him so much, that he almost didn't notice the grotesque creature that was lumbering towards them. It appeared to be aquatic, and what it was doing under this tower was impossible to guess. Nevertheless, a quick crossbow bolt and swipe of Valeros' scythe was enough to put it out of it's misery.
Turn 7
Lem – BoG
Arrow catching studded leather – Con 7 – auto-fail
Discard BoPharasma explore – Bunyip – Location each character encounters it
Lem – Fail wisdom check – Heavy Crossbow + Valeros = D8+D10+D4+3 = 10 = Success
Valeros – Scythe+1 = D10+7+2D4+1 = 18 = Success
After a few more satyrs and an hour of walking through giant litter, they found the exit from the garrison. Another staircase lay at the end of the hall, leading to an even deeper region under the tower. Unfortunately, guarding the entrance was an extremely large giant, even by giant standards. The thing had to hunch over just to fit inside the stone chamber. Fortunately for the pair, it was fast asleep. Valeros turned to his companion.
"Don't worry, I got this." he whispered as he held his scythe at the ready. Only moments later, the path downward was free of obstruction.
Turn 8
Valeros – BoG
Satyr – Each character encounters it
Valeros – Dex + BoTorag + Lem recharge = D8+D8+D4+2 = 17 = Success = Banished forever
Lem – Dex + BoGozreh = 2D8 = 3 = Fail = 6 damage
Valeros Cure Lem – 5
Discard Grizzled Merc explore – Lokansir – Fail Arcane/Divine check – no spells (darn!)
Reveal and recharge Scythe+1 + BoAbadar = D10+7+D10+2D4+1+D4 = 36 = Success
Close location check – Strength + BoTorag = 3D10+4 = 17 = Success = Location closed
Half Plate stays there
The path downward was dimly lit, but they managed to descend it without issue. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Lem quickly realized that this level must be the source of the foulness they had smelled since entering the tower. He held his nose and continued towards the source.
Turn 9
Lem – BoErastil
Thassilonian Dungeon
In contrast, Valeros was untroubled by the smell. It was foul, yes, but when you spent countless days on the battlefield, that kind of nauseating smell became familiar enough to ignore. He simply lit a candle and carried onward.
Turn 10
Valeros – BoAbadar
Battered Chest – Melee – Auto-success = 4 random items = Potion of Vision, Crowbar, Caltrops, Potion of Healing
Holy Candle – 6
Discard BoAbadar explore – Potion of Energy Resistance – Intelligence = D6 = 3 = Fail
Discard BoTorag explore – Sanctuary – banish forever
Drink potion of healing – 3
From some unseen corner of the dungeon, a high-pitched wailing came. Lem ran towards the sound as quickly as he could, worrying that the noise would alert other denizens of this place to their presence. His torchlight showed the source of the disturbance: a goblin, screaming at the top of it's lungs and running away from the pair at top speed. Lem managed to tackle the nuisance and strangle the life from it, but the damage was done. All of the horrors this place held would soon be upon them.
Turn 11
Lem – BoShelyn
Goblin Warchanter – Wisdom check +BoIrori = 2D6 = 7 = fail
Strength + Valeros = D4+D4+3 = 9 = Success
Haste explore (location – draw a card) – Consecration – Divine = 12 = Success
Recharge Haste = Success
Discard BoAbadar explore – Throwing axe – Dex = D8 = 3 = Fail
"Come on, we need to make this quick!" Lem shouted, running past his companion, who was still perched atop the fallen goblin.
"Right behind you!" Lem cried, scrambling after the human.
Valeros sprinted down the stone hallway. Near the end of his vision, he saw a small form also running, directly towards him. It was a kobold, wielding a spear that was pointed directly at Valeros. He smiled, readying his own spear, not slowing his pace. The two met with a thunderous clash in the narrow hallway. The human's size and strength easily overpowered the small lizardfolk, and Valeros' spear lifted the creature from the ground. Valeros didn't even slow his pace.
Turn 12
Valeros – BoG
Enga Keckvia – Impaler of Thorns + Lem recharge = D10+7+D8+2+D4+2 = 23 = Success
Close location check – Int + Lem recharge = D6+D4+2 = 7 = Success = Location closed
The debris lining the walls around them didn't impede their progress. Lem nimbly vaulted over anything too large for him to simply move around. He hoped the end of this place was close.
Turn 13
Lem – BoGorum
Desecrated Vault
Codex = Banish forever
Valeros also had little regard for the refuse that littered this place. Unlike his smaller companion, however, Valeros merely smashed his way through it. He could help but show a grim smile as he did so.
Turn 14
Valeros – Desecrated Vault
Battered Chest – melee = auto-success = 4 items from the box = 2X Potion of Ruggedness, Wand of Force Missile, Wand of Shield
"Right behind you!" Lem cried, scrambling after the human.
Valeros sprinted down the stone hallway. Near the end of his vision, he saw a small form also running, directly towards him. It was a kobold, wielding a spear that was pointed directly at Valeros. He smiled, readying his own spear, not slowing his pace. The two met with a thunderous clash in the narrow hallway. The human's size and strength easily overpowered the small lizardfolk, and Valeros' spear lifted the creature from the ground. Valeros didn't even slow his pace.
Turn 12
Valeros – BoG
Enga Keckvia – Impaler of Thorns + Lem recharge = D10+7+D8+2+D4+2 = 23 = Success
Close location check – Int + Lem recharge = D6+D4+2 = 7 = Success = Location closed
The debris lining the walls around them didn't impede their progress. Lem nimbly vaulted over anything too large for him to simply move around. He hoped the end of this place was close.
Turn 13
Lem – BoGorum
Desecrated Vault
Codex = Banish forever
Valeros also had little regard for the refuse that littered this place. Unlike his smaller companion, however, Valeros merely smashed his way through it. He could help but show a grim smile as he did so.
Turn 14
Valeros – Desecrated Vault
Battered Chest – melee = auto-success = 4 items from the box = 2X Potion of Ruggedness, Wand of Force Missile, Wand of Shield
Lem slowed only to take potshots at the small creatures that scurried in the darkness at the edges of his peripheral. Even if he didn't hit anything with his crossbow, at least his shots kept whatever lurked out there at bay.
Turn 15
Lem – BoG
Goblin Cutpurse – Perception check – Valeros uses potion of vision which is then banished forever = Success
Heavy Crossbow + Valeros = D8+D10+D4+3 = 15 = Banished forever
Discard BoGozreh explore – Cape of Escape – D8 = 1 = Fail
Valeros skidded to a halt, and his companion did the same only moments later. They had reached a chamber, perhaps the end of this place. Within it, another lion-woman waited for them. It's cat-like eyes narrowed as they approached.
"Sister, someone has come to play with us." it purred. It then regarded Valeros, looking him up and down. "You may have murdered her, but the magic in this place is strong."
As she said this, another came into view. This one was familiar, though mangled. It was the same creature that Valeros had killed earlier, brought back to life through whatever evil gave this place strength. Valeros tilted his head towards his companion, not taking his eyes from the pair of creatures before him.
"You take the dead one, I'll take the new one."
The inhabitants of the room sprang into action. Lem weaved an arcane pattern with his small hands, which began to produce a greenish mist. Though harmless to his allies, the lamia began to choke within the cloud. Valeros took the opportunity to drive his spear into the fresh lamia, while Lem leveled a wand at the other. Following the blast of his wand, Lem shot a ray of frost that froze the creature solid. He then calmly walked towards it and kicked it, sending icy chunks in a satisfying spray.
Afterward, they burned the bodies, not willing to risk whatever resurrection magics might be at work in the tower. They were still troubled, though. There must be a way even farther down, as they had not yet seen the mastermind behind this sinister plot. Mokmurian.
Turn 16
Valeros – BoG
BoIrori – Intelligence + Lem recharge = D6+D4+2 = 8 = Success
Discard BoIrori explore – Seleval
Lem Poison cloud + Impaler of Thorns + Lem recharge = D6+D10+7+D8+1+D4+2 = 26 = Success
Zaelsar appears – Lem – Wand of Enervation - -8 to combat check
Lem - Poison Cloud + Frost Ray + Valeros = D6+D10+5+2D6+D4+3 = 30 = Success
Scenario victory!
Turn 15
Lem – BoG
Goblin Cutpurse – Perception check – Valeros uses potion of vision which is then banished forever = Success
Heavy Crossbow + Valeros = D8+D10+D4+3 = 15 = Banished forever
Discard BoGozreh explore – Cape of Escape – D8 = 1 = Fail
Valeros skidded to a halt, and his companion did the same only moments later. They had reached a chamber, perhaps the end of this place. Within it, another lion-woman waited for them. It's cat-like eyes narrowed as they approached.
"Sister, someone has come to play with us." it purred. It then regarded Valeros, looking him up and down. "You may have murdered her, but the magic in this place is strong."
As she said this, another came into view. This one was familiar, though mangled. It was the same creature that Valeros had killed earlier, brought back to life through whatever evil gave this place strength. Valeros tilted his head towards his companion, not taking his eyes from the pair of creatures before him.
"You take the dead one, I'll take the new one."
The inhabitants of the room sprang into action. Lem weaved an arcane pattern with his small hands, which began to produce a greenish mist. Though harmless to his allies, the lamia began to choke within the cloud. Valeros took the opportunity to drive his spear into the fresh lamia, while Lem leveled a wand at the other. Following the blast of his wand, Lem shot a ray of frost that froze the creature solid. He then calmly walked towards it and kicked it, sending icy chunks in a satisfying spray.
Afterward, they burned the bodies, not willing to risk whatever resurrection magics might be at work in the tower. They were still troubled, though. There must be a way even farther down, as they had not yet seen the mastermind behind this sinister plot. Mokmurian.
Turn 16
Valeros – BoG
BoIrori – Intelligence + Lem recharge = D6+D4+2 = 8 = Success
Discard BoIrori explore – Seleval
Lem Poison cloud + Impaler of Thorns + Lem recharge = D6+D10+7+D8+1+D4+2 = 26 = Success
Zaelsar appears – Lem – Wand of Enervation - -8 to combat check
Lem - Poison Cloud + Frost Ray + Valeros = D6+D10+5+2D6+D4+3 = 30 = Success
Scenario victory!
Reward – Skill Feat
Lem – Intelligence
Valeros - Constitution
Post-Game Analysis
This was a pretty straightforward adventure. I was fortunate that I didn't have to dig too far into any of the decks to close the locations, and I was very relieved that the location effects weren't as annoying as the previous scenario. I found an absolute ton of items this time, and all of them were garbage. Like, I realize that about 99% of items in this campaign are garbage, but maaaaaan, those were garbage. The only fortunate thing was being able to banish some of them.
I recently ordered and received the rest of this campaign, and have already shuffled AD5 into the various decks. I have played through this campaign in its entirety before, but with a friends copy. On a side note, I also picked up all of the Pathfinder Iconic Miniatures, so I have all those promos. I don't think I will mix any of them into this particular run, but perhaps in the sequel :)