Lem stood at the top of the winding staircase that led to the depths of the goblin fortress. He couldn't help but be afraid, despite the fact that they had survived this far. He glanced to his partner, but even his the bloodlust in the man's eyes did little to quell his fear.
Lem Starting Deck
Holy Light
Lightning Touch
Aldern Foxglove
Holy Candle
Wand of Force Missile
Valeros, on the other hand, felt nothing but a burning desire. A murderous rage could only be sated by cleansing this place. They had killed not only goblins, but zombies and even men. He didn't know who was behind such a gathering, and he didn't care. It was time to end this.
Valeros Starting Deck
Sheriff Hemlock
Grizzled Mercenary
Magic Leather Armor
Chain Mail x2
Warhammer +1
Shock Longbow +1
Spiked Chain
Masterwork Tools
BoG x2
Lem crept down the stairs, listening for any sound, any hint of movement ahead. Crude torches lit the stairs, and their flickering cast long shadows at every turn. He reached the end of the first set of stairs. It emptied into what appeared to be a barracks. Fortunately, most of the goblins in this place had been slain in the upper levels.
As he moved into the room, movement to his right told him they were not alone. He blasted blindly with lightning in the direction of the movement, and was rewarded with a loud crash as an ogre fell into view. That wasn't all, though. A skeletal creature lumbered on misshapen leg bones towards him. He blasted it with holy fire, sending bone shards skittering across the hallways of the rooms that lined the floor.
Turn 1
Lem – BoTorag
Goblin Fortress
Ogre – Lightning Touch + Valeros = D10+3 + 2D4 + D4+1 = 16 = Success
Recharge Lightning Touch = Success
Discard Toad explore – Skeleton – Holy Light + Valeros = D10+3 + 2D12 + D4+1 = 18 = Success
Recharge Holy Light = Fail
Valeros began kicking in the doors that lined the halls. Most were empty, but he did stop to examine the rooms that weren't littered with discarded foodstuffs and goblin excrement. He discovered a tome that might be helpful later, and placed it in his pack. As he did so, he heard the unmistakable sound of goblin chittering. Depositing the book, he withdrew his spiked chain and spun, lashing out in the direction of the sounds. As he pulled the chain he felt it tighten, then give, as a goblin head tumbled into view. Another one down.
Turn 2
Valeros – BoIomedae
Goblin Fortress
Tome of Knowledge = Intelligence + Lem Recharge = D6 + D4+1 = 7 = Success
Spyglass – Goblin Cutpurse, Scimitar
Discard Grizzled Mercenary explore – Goblin Cutpurse – Fail Wisdom Check = Bury a card at random
Cutpurse (+2 from Location) = Spiked Chain + Lem Recharge = D10+5 + 2D4 + D4+1 = 15 = Success
Lem had less luck in his own scavenging pursuits. It seemed all he could find were shoddy goblin weapons.
Turn 3
Lem – BoG
Scimitar – Auto-Fail strength check
As Valeros entered yet another chamber, he found himself faced with a row of crude cells constructed from iron and scrap. Within these makeshift cells were men from the village, no doubt taken in the recent goblin attack.
"Lem get in here, we have wounded!" Valeros moved towards the nearest prisoner, and as he did so, he felt a wire snap on his boot. A rumbling sound accompanied the tripwire, and he threw himself to one side.
"Take cover!" He shouted to the men. He hoped that they were conscious enough to hear him.
Huge chunks of the ceiling came down in the room, crushing a few of the cells outright. Valeros was fortunate enough to have avoided the worst of it, but the dust and debris choked him. He crawled towards where the old man was, and found him unhurt. His cell had been strong enough to withstand the rocks that assailed it.
Turn 4
Valeros - BoG
Ilsoari Gandethus – Diplomacy + Lem recharge = D6+2 + D4+1 = 10 = Success
Discard BoG explore – Collapsed Ceiling – Dexterity + Lem recharge + Lem Aid = D8 + D4+1 + D6 = 13 = Success
Recharge Aid = Fail
Lem saw a cloud of dust explode from the room that Valeros had entered. He covered his mouth and rushed into the prison.
"You OK?"
His partner nodded, as he helped an old man from his cell. Peering through the dust, Lem saw the familiar face of a guard from Sandpoint in another cell. He helped the man free, and then looked for more survivors.
Turn 5
Lem – BoG
Soldier – Diplomacy = D10+5 = 8 = Success
Discard Soldier explore – Potion of Ghostly Form – Intelligence = D6 = 5 = fail (due to scenario increased difficulty)
The pair did what they could for the prisoners that survived and sent them up the stairs to the exit. The way should be clear enough from there, Valeros thought. As he turned from the staircase, he found himself face to face with a man in ornate armor. This was no prisoner.
"Set them free, did you?" The man cocked his head, looking at the staircase behind Valeros.
"Tsk, tsk. Nualia ain't gonna like that. Not one bit." The man unsheathed his sword and assumed a combat stance.
Valeros wasted no time with words. He lashed out with his spiked chain, wrapping it around the man's sword. He yanked, drawing the man off-balance. As he did so, he spun, kicking the man directly in the face. Blood exploded from a shattered nose, and the man fell.
As he reached down to retrieve his chain, as well as the man's sword, he called out to his partner, "Hey Lem, the name Nualia mean anything to you?"
Turn 6
Valeros – BoIrori
Orik Vancaskerkin – Spiked Chain + Lem Recharge = D10+5 + 2D4 + D4+1 = Auto-Success
Summon and defeat Goblin Raider to close (+2 difficulty from Location) = Spiked Chain = D10+5 + 2D4 = 15 = Success
D4 random weapons to location, acquire first one – 3 = Bastard Sword acquired
"Are you sure that's what the man said?" Lem asked, wide-eyed. The name did, in fact, mean something to him. Nualia was the name of the adopted daughter of the former pastor of Sandpoint. She was thought to have died years ago in a fire that consumed the chapel in the village, as well as the pastor himself. If she was still alive, that raised more questions than it answered.
Confident that the floor was clear of all enemies, they moved down another flight of stairs. As they did, the air became humid and musty. A heavy stench filled the air, and it was all Lem could do to keep breathing. As they went deeper, the walls shifted from crude goblin-make to a smoother, older construction. He felt uneasy, as though he were being watched even in the narrow confines of the stairwell.
More than that, he could feel movement all around him. He thought he was going crazy, until a spectral hand tore at his face, leaving deep scratches. Lem cried out in pain, and began to descend as quickly as he could to escape the narrow stairs.
Turn 7
Lem – BoG
Holy Candle – 1
Ghost – put a random monster on top of random open location per Warrens – Throne Room – Wand of Force Missile – 4D4 + Valeros BoG = 5D4 = 11 = fail = 1 damage
Recharge Wand = Success
Cure – 5
Recharge Cure = Success
Valeros watched in confusion as his partner began running down the stairs, screaming and swatting at the air like a madman. Had the halfling finally gone insane? This was a poor time for it, if that was the case. He shook his head as he watched Lem stumble and begin rolling down the stairs. As Lem rolled out of sight in the winding stairwell, Valeros heard a woman's voice.
"Well well, what have we here? Did Orik bring me a present?"
Turn 8
Valeros – BoSarenrae
Charm Person – Intelligence + Lem Recharge = D6 + D4+1 = 10 = Success
"Not quite, lady." Lem wheezed, struggling to catch his breath from his unexpected descent. He looked up to see a dark-skinned human woman in white robes. Not Nualia, he thought, breathing a sigh of relief.
"No? Surely you could not have bested him in combat. No matter, I'm sure Nualia will want to see you." She removed a wand from her robes and pointed it towards him. "Come now, don't struggle."
Lem incanted words of power, and white flame consumed the woman. Even as it did so, she unleashed a flame of her own from her wand. Both the woman and the halfling writhed in agony, but in the end, Lem picked himself up from the ground, and the woman did not. He was mildly burned, but it was not serious. He stooped over the woman, wondering who she was.
Turn 9
Lem – BoGorum
Potion of Ruggedness – Auto-Fail
Discard BoG Explore – Lyrie Akenja – Put random Monster on top of random location – Thassilonian Dungeon
Before encounter – D4-1 Fire Damage = 1 damage
Holy Light + Valeros = D10+3 + 2D6 + D4+1 = 23 = Success
Recharge Holy Light = Fail
Dexterity check to close + BoDesna =2D8 = 10 = Success
Location closed
Valeros reached his partner, and saw the smoking husk that he was standing over. He reminded himself not to piss Lem off.
"Was that Nualia?" He asked the halfling.
"No, though she did say she was going to take me to her, so she must be close." Lem was still patting embers from his clothes.
Valeros took a moment to look around the chamber. They were in a grand hallway. It was obvious that this was far older than the upper levels, and strange runes were carved into the obsidian walls of this place.
Sudden movement from behind him quickly brought him out of his reverie. He spun with his glaive, bisecting the robed man that had attempted to sneak up behind him. Satisfied that he was safe for the moment, he went back to inspecting the chamber.
Turn 10
Valeros – BoG
Thassilonian Dungeon
Sneak – Fail Wisdom Check – Discard Charm Person – Glaive = D10+5 = 11 = Success
Lem was also surveying the chamber. The runes carved into the walls radiated with magical energy. He could feel that energy flowing into him, speaking to him. He watched as the runes reformed into words before his very eyes. These runes told of great magical power, the likes of which he could only begin to comprehend. He did make a note of some of the easier to understand incantations.
Turn 11
Lem – BoG
Thassilonian Dungeon
Dogslicer – Auto-Fail
Discard toad explore – Enfeeble – Arcane = D10+3 = 12 = Success
Discard BoSarenrae explore – Strength = Arcane = D10+3 = 10 = Success
This place was making Valeros uneasy. It was time to move on, find this Nualia person and get the hell out of here. He moved to Lem, shaking him from his trance.
"Time to move."
Turn 12
Valeros – BoShelyn
Caltrops – Dexterity = D8 = 3 = fail
"Yeah, sure. Just one second." Lem reached out to touch one of the rune-words on the wall. As he felt the smooth rock, the wall shuddered beneath his touch.
"Look out!" He cried, diving to one side. A blade formed out of the wall like lightning, and shot out towards them. His warning came too late for Valeros, as the obsidian blade pierced his armor like paper.
Turn 13
Lem – BoTorag
Lightning Touch = Arcane = D10+3 = 7 = Success
Discard BoPharasma Explore – Slashing Blade = Auto-Fail
Lem – D4 Damage = 1
Valeros = D4 Damage = 3
As Valeros fell backward, propelled by the blade that impaled him, he heard movement all around them. Whatever Lem had done, it had clearly alerted the other denizens of this place. Valeros could not worry about that now. Falling off the blade and to the ground, he checked to ensure that limbs were intact and his guts were still where the belonged. They were, barely. Thank the gods for small miracles.
A small goblin, clearly sensing it's advantage, dove upon Valeros. The tiny monster had underestimated the man, and it was a fatal mistake. Valeros lifted the creature with one hand, choking the life out of it. The pain the blade had caused only served to piss Valeros off.
Turn 14
Valeros – BoPharasma
Goblin Commando – 1 damage – Melee + Lem recharge = D10+5 + D4+1 = 18 = Success
Lem needed to figure out how this ancient trap worked before it got any worse. scrambling across the chamber, he dodged blades as they shot from the walls around him. Frantically, he examined the runes as he passed. They were of no help to him. Finally, he reached the opposite end of the chamber, and found a great lever. Well, it couldn't get much worse, he thought as he pulled the lever down with all of his might. As suddenly as it had started, the blades stopped. Lem took a moment to breathe a sigh of relief before attending to his friend.
Turn 15
Lem – BoLamashtu
Slashing Blade – Dexterity + Valeros BoIomedae = 2D8 = 14 = Success
Valeros was assailed by more creatures. They seemed to be appearing out of nowhere. He killed a giant lizard with a great swing of his warhammer, noting that his partner had stopped the blade trap. Looking down, he saw the red stain of his wounded belly. He'd live.
Turn 16
Valeros – BoG
Giant Gecko – Warhammer +1 + Lem recharge = D10+5 + D8 + D4+1 = 19 = Success
Lem caught up with his partner, blasting a nearby goblin with lightning as he did so.
"You OK? You're bleeding pretty badly." He appraised his wounded partner. It was a nasty gut wound.
"I ain't got time to bleed." Valeros spat as he moved to the end of the great hall.
Turn 17
Lem – BoG
Goblin Raider – Lightning Touch + Valeros = D10+3 + 2D4 + D4+1 = 22 = Success
Draw card for playing an Arcane spell
Recharge Lightning Touch = Fail
Arcane check to close = D10+3 = 7 = Closed
Lem followed, and they entered a large, elaborate throne room. A woman sat upon the throne, regarding the pair with disgust. She had snow white hair and a ruddy complexion. She would have been beautiful if she were not marred with scars and self-inflicted mutilations.
"You dare to enter my chamber? You shall pay for meddling with the chosen of Lamashtu!" The woman shouted.
With that, yet another goblin leapt towards them. Valeros batted him aside easily with his hammer.
Valeros shifted his hammer in his hands and smiled at the woman. "Let's dance."
Turn 18
Valeros – BoGorum
Throne Room
Goblin Cutpurse – Wisdom + Lem Aid = D4 + D6 = 8 = Success
Warhammer +1 = D10+5 + D8+1 = Auto-Success
Recharge Aid = Success
Lem channeled some of the energy he had absorbed from this place, draining the strength from the woman standing before them.
Turn 19
Lem – BoLamashtu
Throne Room
Potion of Ruggedness = Auto-Fail
Discard Soldier Explore – Nualia – Enfeeble to evade, leaving her on top
Recharge Enfeeble = Success
Nualia looked shaken as she stood from her throne. "None challenge me and survive!" She heaved a greatsword with one hand, displaying impossible strength for a woman her size. With the other hand, she blasted the pair with an arcane force.
Valeros fought against the blast, struggling towards the woman. She blocked the first swing of his hammer, but his blow had knocked her sword-arm aside. He swung again, shattering bones in the hand that even now channeled arcane energy.
Turn 20
Valeros – BoIrori
Lem Cures Valeros = 3
Recharge Cure = Success
Nualia – 1D4 Force Damage to each character:
Lem – 3
Valeros – 1
Lem casts Strength on Valeros
Valeros – Warhammer +1 + Strength = D10+5 + D8+1 + 3 = 11 = Fail = 1 damage
Second Check – Warhammer +1 +Strength + Lem recharge = D10+5 + D8+1 + D4+1 + 3 = 23 = Success
Recharge Strength = Success
Nualia gets shuffled back into the deck
Nualia shrieked in pain, and kicked Valeros backward. She spun, and fled deeper into the chambers of this place. As the pair chased her, a misshapen dog guarded the path. Lem felt pity for the creature, but all he could do was put it out of it's misery with his wand, blasting it aside.
Turn 21
Lem – BoSarenrae
Cure – 4
Recharge Cure = Success
Goblin Dog – Wand of Force Missile = 4D4 = 12 = Success
Recharge Wand = Fail
Valeros charged past the deformed animal, bursting into what must have been Nualia's private chambers. He smiled as he saw the fear in her eyes.
Turn 22
Valeros – BoGorum
Force Missile – Intelligence + Lem recharge = D6 + D4+1 = 8 = Success
Use Charm Person – Night Watch
Discard Night Watch explore – Wooden shield – Constitution + Lem Recharge = D8 + D6 = 8 = Success
Discard Sheriff Hemlock explore – Dart = Dexterity = D8 = 3 = Fail
From behind Valeros, Lem once again used the arcane energies of this place to his advantage, continuing to drain the strength from her. She may be a servant of Lamashtu, but this place was older than that. Though it was clear that Nualia had perverted the ancient powers of this place, the energies here served no particular deity.
Turn 23
Lem – BoG
Nualia – Enfeeble again
Recharge enfeeble – Success
Valeros had her now. She blasted at them with arcane force again, paying no mind to the shattered bones of her hand. Valeros could not be stopped, however. He rained blow after blow from his hammer upon the woman and with the crunch of metal meeting bone, the threat was ended.
Turn 24
Valeros – BoShelyn
Nualia – 1D4 Force Damage:
Lem – 4
Valeros – 1
Combat – Warhammer +1 + Lem Aid = D10+5 + D8+1 + D6 = 17 = Success
Second Combat (w/ +2 difficulty from Blessing use per Nualia) – Reveal and recharge Warhammer +1 + Lem recharge + BoG = D10+5 + D8+1 +D6 + D4+1 + D10 = 27 = Success
Recharge Aid - Success
The pair climbed the stairs back to the top of the fortress and exited the foul stronghold. Before them, the nettles still burned, leaving charred piles of ash in their wake. They worked their way back through the forest, wordlessly. Valeros had waved away any attempt from Lem to heal his wound, and Lem knew the man well enough to leave him be.
They reported the events of the day to disbelief of Sheriff Hemlock. The pair had not only ended the goblin threat, but also that of Nualia, who was undoubtedly the cause of the recent disturbances in Sandpoint. Hemlock sent local priests and researchers, as well as platoon of guards, to the depths below Thistletop. They would clear out any remaining evil, goblin or otherwise.
Weeks later, the Sheriff summoned them into his office.
"Gentlemen, I have good news." Hemlock stated from behind his desk.
"You're giving me the forest?" Valeros was hopeful that the mayor was going to grant his request.
"What? No. No, we're not giving you the forest. You can't just be 'granted' a whole forest." Hemlock sighed as he thrust papers towards the pair. "I have even better news, you're getting transferred to Magnimar!"
"What?!" the pair exclaimed in unison. This was Lem's home, and he didn't want to leave. Hell, he was only a cop for the free drinks at the tavern as it was. As for Valeros, he just saw his retirement opportunity go up in flames before his very eyes.
"Yeah, apparently the mayor out there has a recent string of murders that they need solved. They heard about the fine work you boys have done here, and put in the transfer request. "Looks like you boys are attracting attention!"
Scenario Reward – Sihedron Medallion
Adventure Reward - Card Feat
Lem – Spell
Valeros – Item
Post-Game Analysis
This scenario started off really well. It did feel weird to auto-succeed against the henchmen this early on, I must admit. Once the pair hit that Slashing Blade (the same trap that killed poor Kyra in my 6 character game), I was scared. So much damage. I was fortunate enough to make the check the second time around. If I hadn't, that might have been the end of our story. Nualia herself was easy enough, though I couldn't believe I failed that first combat check by 1. That's just the worst.
As for boons: a ton of spells, and a few useless allies. Nothing too fancy there. This concludes the first adventure deck. Adventure deck 2 is all shuffled in and ready for action, so get ready for Cop and a Half: Magnimar!